Azed Competition No. 118 Azed Slip | ◀ 114 | 123 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
118 | Jun 1974 | OPERETTIST | Misprints | 23 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | N. Gambier | Trio and septet orchestrated for Strads, e.g. | Straus; anag.; Oscar S. |
Second | W. K. M. Slimmings | I produce light snores, making love – model gets up in huff | scores; 0 + sitter (rev.) in pet |
Third | J. R. Kirby | Disorderly pet store – it may be the source of many pongs | songs; anag. |
VHC | R. H. Adey | Easy shot hoisted, tucked away by favourite, love set to him. His play’s like Gorman’s | German’s; sitter (rev.) in 0 pet; Sir Edward G.; ref. Tom Gorman, US tennis player |
VHC | C. Allen Baker | Merry widow I treated to drink titters tipsily – no head for it | created; (t)ope + anag.; ref. Lehár operetta |
VHC | Mrs K. Bissett | Musical waiter creates titter with pose | writer; anag. |
VHC | A. R. Chandler | O dear! Embracing towering dolly birds might try my handy-work | bards; O + sitter (rev.) in pet |
VHC | E. A. Free | Artist’s model, head over heels in love, sulks, longs for the night’s entertainment he’ll provide | songs; sitter (rev.) in 0 pet |
VHC | Dr G. B. Greer | Ali’s not serious in his compositions – ‘prettiest’ has end of nose displaced after round | all’s; O + prettiest with e moved; ref. Muhammad A. |
VHC | J. M. Houghton | Carousal’s perpetrator? Toper set it in motion | Carousel; anag.; ref. Rogers & Hammerstein musical |
VHC | R. E. Kimmons | Potter? He’s left The Potteries surprisingly | Porter; anag. less he; Cole P. |
VHC | Mrs S. M. Macpherson | My scones are light, and here’s a piece of cake rising in a round hump | scores; sitter (rev.) in O pet |
VHC | L. May | Frill, for example, on prettiest dresses | Friml; o’ + anag.; Rudolf F.; dress = come into line |
VHC | R. H. Maynard | Filbert was prettiest o’ nuts | Gilbert; anag.; W. S. G. |
VHC | D. P. M. Michael | Maestro of the vocab – could be number one, top setter | vocal; anag. incl. I |
VHC | E. Potter | Tight music composer disorganises trio and septet | light; anag. |
VHC | T. A. J. Spencer | Temperamental artiste lacking a top E might strain producer | light; anag. less a |
VHC | F. B. Stubbs | He conjures up the night air – tries to pet bats | light; anag. |
VHC | J. B. Sweeting | Arrangement of septet and trio exemplified in Igor | Ivor ; anag.; I. Novello; ref. Borodin opera ‘Prince Igor’ |
VHC | D. J. Thorpe | Playful poet pinches rising model – makes good use of fingers | singers; sitter (rev.) in anag. |
VHC | Mrs M. P. Webber | Light airs are a force of one – it’s shown up in movement of treetops | forte; it (rev.) in anag.; ref. Beaufort Scale |
VHC | Rev C. D. Westbrook | I set to with copper boiling, after putting in to soak. Pinafore’s whiter, maybe | writer; ret in anag. incl. p; ref. ‘HMS Pinafore’ |
VHC | C. E. Williams | His works may be hung – from treetop? – it’s doubtful | sung; anag. |
HCs in competition 118 awarded to: