Azed Competition No. 552 Azed Slip | ◀ 547 | 556 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
552 | Nov 1982 | NOURICE-FEE | normal | 25 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | N. C. Dexter | Tip for effective cure if one’s ill | anag. incl. e, & lit. |
Second | N. O’Neill | ‘Our Nice Improved Fairy Soap For That Tender Loving Care!’ | anag. + fée; soap = money |
Third | A. D. Scott | The outcome of delicate cuddling of us by charge? | our in nice + fee, & lit. |
VHC | C. Allen Baker | Nightingale’s due … cue for one to get camouflaged with evening about to close in | anag. in den (rev.); Florence N. |
VHC | Dr J. K. Aronson | Florence’s due? I supply missing Lsd | anag. less Lsd, & lit.; F. Nightingale; supply adv. |
VHC | M. Barley | Terms of the nurse – no cure if not settled? | anag. incl. e e; terms = ends |
VHC | Mrs K. Bissett | Entitlement for one involved in possible cure – in charge of N.H.S. Hospital beds maybe | I in anag. in no fee, & lit. |
VHC | E. J. Burge | Giving treatment to cure one (with NHS provision) – that has been nurse’s reward | anag. incl. I in no fee |
VHC | A. Gargan | Disgraceful! E.E.C. ruin of English milk price | anag. + E |
VHC | Mrs S. Hewitt | What Sairey Gamp deserved? Nothing, if cure bungled – in want endlessly | 0 + anag. all in nee(d); ref. M. Chuzzlewit |
VHC | A. H. Jones | ‘E’en for écu I worked’: very old COHSE member’s claim? | anag. |
VHC | F. P. N. Lake | What’ll benefit tender skin, all but worked away with the hard water we have? Fairy! | (ski)n our ice fée |
VHC | M. D. Laws | Old English cure’s fine, for treatment | anag. incl. OE, & lit.; fine = fee |
VHC | M. A. Macdonald-Cooper | Sou finally for time in refection contrived at end of nipple? | anag. with u for t + e, & lit. |
VHC | D. F. Manley | Modern —— being unsettled leaves more in need of cure | comp. anag. & lit.; ref. nurses’ pay dispute |
VHC | S. M. Mansell | First indications of early industrial unrest enforce revised pay for nursing services | anag. incl. e i u; ref. nurses’ pay dispute |
VHC | J. J. Moore | Fierce one, swinging wildly, catches middle of stump: this is still bedevilling Fowler | u in anag.; ref. nurses’ pay dispute, Norman F., Health Sec., and Graham F. |
VHC | C. J. Morse | After negative vote, original freeze ends with fairy money for health service | no + ur-ice + fée; ref. nurses’ pay dispute |
VHC | F. Moss | Fierce struggles with NUPE, losing power and gaining nothing. Is this what nurses claim? | 0 in anag. less P; ref. nurses’ pay dispute and union |
VHC | R. A. Mostyn | This is no cure, I feel left out, feverish – what I’d give for Miss Nightingale | anag. less l; Florence N. |
VHC | B. A. Pike | Wanting L.s.d., Florence’s due one, when working | anag. incl. I less Lsd, & lit.; F. Nightingale |
VHC | D. R. Robinson | Charge made by full-breasted neighbour’s wife, possibly. That’s our fence getting broken! | anag. incl. i.e. |
VHC | B. Roe | After working, this LSD is due Florence, perhaps | comp. anag. & lit.; F. Nightingale |
VHC | W. K. M. Slimmings | ’Twas this L.s.d. that made up Florence’s due, was it? | comp. anag. & lit.; F. Nightingale |
VHC | Dr E. Young | L.s.d. that might have been due Florence is | comp. anag. & lit.; F. Nightingale |
HCs in competition 552 awarded to: