Ximenes Competition No. 5  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  4  |  6  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
5 Aug 1945EDDYSTONE normal17


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstS. B. GreenJack Warner, lacking capital, is on the rockscryptic def.; Jack = sailor; ref. Smeaton’s partly demolished lighthouse
SecondH. D. Wakelyclue missing
ThirdC. K . Fosterclue missing
HCC. H. F. Bentleyclue missing
HCR. S. Butterfieldclue missing
HCH. Chownclue missing
HCK. H. Coxeclue missing
HCJ. L. Frostclue missing
HCMrs Jenkinsclue missing
HCF. D. Leavyclue missing
HCDr McIntoshclue missing
HCJ. J. Murphyclue missing
HCLord Russell of Killowenclue missing
HCN. S. L. Smartclue missing
HCE. B. Stevensclue missing
HCE. F. Watlingclue missing
HCLt Col Wattsclue missing

No Runners-Up in competition 5