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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1792 Oct 2006APPALOOSA / ESTAMINET Right and Left 24


Competition 1792’s average clue lengths over 24 clues:

72 letters per clue (27 above the archive average, and 1 below the average for Right and Left competitions)

15.6 words per clue (6 above the archive average, and 0.9 above the average for Right and Left competitions)


Longest clue (the 11th longest Right and Left clue in the archive)

Site meant for redevelopment as ‘Café Paolo’ unexpectedly cased by a public authority – a breed normally spotted taking someone for a ride

113 letters, 22 words, by M. Barker


Shortest clue (the 6th shortest Right and Left clue in the archive)

Horse play as pa and a polo set met in a rough bar

38 letters, 13 words, by M. Welsh


Competition 1792 has contributed 24 unique words to the clue archive:

C. G. Millinaddicts
C. G. Millinalcopops
P. L. StoneBistro’s
T. C. Borlandbluegrass
M. Barkerbreed
M. Barkercased
P. L. Stonecasseroled
T. C. Borlanddismays
R. J. HooperEquus
N. G. ShippobothamEuropeans
P. F. Hendersonexperiment
D. Parfittgymnastics
P. McKennainmate
T. AndersonManet
R. J. Hoopermatinee’s
N. LustedMatins
N. G. Shippobothamoolong
D. H. Tompsettpaint’s
M. BarkerPaolo
M. Goodlifferemarkably
P. HeffernanSalop
D. H. TompsettSteen
N. G. Shippobothamtransporter
R. J. Palmertrendily