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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1866 Mar 2008BINGE normal 23


Competition 1866’s average clue lengths over 23 clues:

41 letters per clue (4 below the archive average, and 1 below the average for 5-letter words)

8.7 words per clue (0.9 below the archive average, and equal to the average for 5-letter words)


Longest clue (the 1,591st longest normal clue in the archive)

Government nationalise finally, propping up northern bank nearly bust

60 letters, 9 words, by T. J. Moorey


Shortest clue (the 752nd shortest normal clue in the archive)

A drunk lobbing empty bottles

25 letters, 5 words, by J. R. Tozer


Competition 1866 has contributed 15 unique words to the clue archive:

T. AndersonBungie
R. J. Healddiesel’s
P. HeffernanGazza
T. C. BorlandGlenmorangie
D. Parfittheadache
T. AndersonHorseshoe
R. J. HealdJag’s
J. C. Leylandlamprey
J. R. Tozerlobbing
V. Dixonmeanders
T. J. Mooreynationalise
P. HeffernanNewcastle
M. Barleyrookie
N. G. ShippobothamSebring
E. J. Burgeserviced