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2053 Oct 2011PERISHER def. ESTIMATE Wrong Number 23


Competition 2053’s average clue lengths over 23 clues:

50 letters per clue (5 above the archive average, and 3 above the average for Wrong Number competitions)

9.5 words per clue (0.1 below the archive average, and 0.1 below the average for Wrong Number competitions)


Longest clue (the 7th longest Wrong Number clue in the archive)

Annoying little devil reckoning initially on stray sheep bottling religious instruction

77 letters, 11 words, by M. A. Macdonald-Cooper


Shortest clue (the 45th shortest Wrong Number clue in the archive)

Pain? Possibly herpes, I reckon initially

34 letters, 6 words, by A. J. Wardrop


Competition 2053 has contributed 15 unique words to the clue archive:

I. D. McDonaldfiguring
D. C. Williamsonfoots
R. J. WhaleHaydon
T. C. BorlandHibernian
D. C. Williamsonhire-purchase
K. Milanhyper
W. DreverLimb’s
C. A. Clarkemalevolent
T. C. Borlandmidway
D. H. Tompsettrascal
K. Milanrascally
N. G. Shippobothamso-and-so
D. F. Manleytrespass
N. G. Shippobothamtumbles
I. D. McDonaldWalpole’s