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2539 Feb 2021TORSE Printer’s Devilry 23


Competition 2539’s average clue lengths over 23 clues:

44 letters per clue (1 below the archive average, and 2 above the average for Printer’s Devilry competitions)

8.8 words per clue (0.8 below the archive average, and 0.2 below the average for Printer’s Devilry competitions)


Longest clue (the 24th longest Printer’s Devilry clue in the archive)

Amo/ng ‘inequalities’, include manifold, differential, and smooth operation

62 letters, 8 words, by D. Price Jones


Shortest clue (the 33rd shortest Printer’s Devilry clue in the archive)

A c/an (beans) – a tasty dish for some

26 letters, 8 words, by Mrs A. M. Walden


Competition 2539 has contributed 32 unique words to the clue archive:

T. ClementAlamo
Dr I. S. Fletcherammonia
A. Chamberlainanaesthetics
R. J. Whalecampaigners
C. J. Broughamcanes
C. J. Broughamchoristers
R. J. WhaleCND
Ms S. Martinycontinue
R. C. Teutoncontrite
D. Price Jonesdifferential
R. J. Whaleforgo
P. Jenkinsonfrayed
W. DreverHarvard
A. J. Wardrophelpful
D. Price Jonesinequalities
Dr I. S. Fletcherjet’s
M. Hodgkinknives
D. Price Jonesmanifold
D. Whytenon-religious
I. Simpsonnonce
N. G. Shippobothampart-time
A. Chamberlainprescribe
R. J. Healdreacted
A. Chamberlainreptiles
P. Jenkinsontapestry
T. ClementTexan’s
I. SimpsonThea
A. S. Everesttithes
R. J. Healdtraduced
W. Drevertush
S. VollamTux
A. Chamberlainvets