All Ship of Fools Competitions

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About this clue type

From the preamble to Azed No. 1500

In the year 1500 Hieronymus Bosch painted his masterpiece Ship of Fools, the inspiration for this puzzle. The answers to eight clues represent ‘homes’ from which different fools have departed. In each of the clues in set A the definition and the number in brackets refer to the full word before the fool’s departure, while the subsidiary indication refers to what is left after it. The answers to a further seven clues (set B) represent different ships after embarkation by seven of the fools (one each) from set A. Set B answers are clued without definition. Only two of the answers in sets A and B are real words. All other clues are normal. Solvers must determine which clues are of which type. Competitors should submit with their solution a clue in the style of those in set B to a ‘word’ showing the eighth fool on board a ship of their choice not already used. Please show the full ‘word’ clued as well as the clue itself.

  DateClue wordCluesWinner
AZ1500Feb 2001GIT (on board ship)26P. F. Henderson