Cup Winning Clues in 1970
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        DateClue wordWinnerClueExplanation
X1093JanMARTINETA. H. JonesBeliever in bull market, I make a clear profitmart I net; bull = military discipline
X1097FebPANTOPHAGISTE. ChalkleyWhat pig has to become when gripped by hunger?anag. in pant, & lit.; hunger vb.
X1100FebBEAU(C)LER(C) (Letters Latent)G. J. S. RossU eel-bar ruined meanag. & lit.; ref. surfeit of lampreys
X1106AprLEXICOGRAPHYD. P. M. MichaelWhat, if amiss, makes X go preachily potty?anag. & lit.
X1110MayIMPERSONATEN. C. DexterIt’s tricky to do this, says Danny, without me bra or me panties—very trickyanag. & lit.; D. la Rue
X1115JunFLESH-POTTERYMrs B. LewisProduct of the Tory’s pelf, snarls the prosy left2 anags. & lit.; snarl2
X1119JulRONDE (Printer’s Devilry)J. B. SweetingCourt serving—King attacks—see the f/ur flyfrondeur; Louis XIV and Margaret C., Billie-Jean K.
X1123AugMAXIMISTN. C. DexterI must take endless time with Xmas crackersanag. less e, & lit.
X1127AugTRAYBITC. Allen Baker“A tip, this?”, the waiter snappedtray bit
X1131SepCAROUSER (Misprints)N. C. DexterCausing stir in a mini perhaps, I ought to go home in a maxitaxi; rouse in car
X1135OctHILAIRE BELLOCJ. A. FinckenA product of Balliol, I, here reaching a centenaryanag. + C, & lit.; born 1870; “B. made me …”
X1140NovCALLOUSMrs N. JarmanAlien to Ruth, like the corn2 mngs.; ruth = pity; Keats, “Nightingale”
X1143XmasMORGIANAC. Allen BakerPantomime dame: a man disguised, with a built-in bustorgia in anag.; see orgy and bust2