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1. Pilot’s direction-finder or mascot
adjusted before transfer. ASTROCOMPASS (anag., pass) A clue readily solved by Watson without his
noticing the bizarre surface −
what on earth does it mean? Can it be that our pilot navigates by twiddling a
figurine? Hold on tight.
14. Bill’s other half cut it − silly. COOT (coo, ’t)
There are delightful
connotations to be savoured in this clue, those from the dovecote especially.
Dr Watson doubts whether many (if any)
solvers needed to resort to guessing the unchecked second letter.
16. Work extremes of hilarity into edited page − part at top or foot of column. APOPHYGE
(op., h,y, all in anag.) Azed stays ahead of the curve. That’s ‘cluemanship’
one could never have made it up.
17. Ugly expressions from sailors captured by
foreign troops. GIRNS (RN in GI’s) Dr
Watson’s wanderings at the clue for EGG GLASS were not helped by his initial
failure to consider facial
expressions here. Shanghai’d!
18. Bit of old military kit − this set gets miles put out. PILUM
(composite anagram) This
is the first of the clues affected by editorial errors. In the (now) authorised
version (above) our solution plus ‘set’ is found to be an anagram of ‘miles
put’. Internet solvers had a slightly mangled version of it with the definition
given as ‘Bit of of soldier’s kit’ (sic). The interactive version is known not to
render words in italics; the .pdf version had ‘miles’ italicised, most likely Azed’s intended
refinement. Newspaper solvers were treated to an earlier draft: ‘Part of old
soldier’s kit −
order for one assigned to spud-bashing, we hear’ (i.e
“Peel ’em!”). For his
part, Watson enjoyed the additional puzzle as to why ‘gets miles put out’
should have been preferred to ‘gets put miles
out’ or even ‘gets Miles put out’.
23. Personality one follows is wreathed in
allure. CHARISMA (is in charm, a) Watson
experienced difficulty here in equating ‘personality’ and ‘charisma’. Chambers
is not helpful on the point.
34. Positions befit me (as editor might put it)
SITUS (sit, us; s.v. we, us) This
clue was printed in the newspaper as ‘Positions befit me (as editor might say)’
which would imply an incorrect pronunciation of ‘situs’
in its plural form (q.v.). In the revised clue ‘put it’ may be taken as meaning
‘put it in writing’, thus avoiding that objection.
35. Extremely weird lake in east of France. EERIEST
(Eirie in est) This
was published in the newspaper as ‘... east of Germany’, and would have been
noted by most Azed solvers as a palpable error.
36. Perry maybe balancing on sideboard.
CROSS-DRESSER (cross, dresser) The
reference is to the ceramicist Grayson Perry.
2. What’ll make Scots keener? That is
following old king. SAULIE (Saul, i.e.) Two
Scots words are involved here. Our solution is an archaic term for a hired
mourner. ‘Keener’ is in current
employment, s.v. keen2.
4. Port wine’s bottled? Stow to mature thus.
RIPEN (composite anagram) The
newspaper had ‘thus’ printed as ‘this’. Our solution, meaning
‘to mature thus’, when taken with ‘stow’, is found to be an anagram of ‘port
5. Poet exchanging recipe for a legume.
COWPEA (a for r in Cowper) The
newspaper had ‘Poet giving away recipe for a legume’. The poetic reference is
to William Cowper ...
6. Performing well, Ben maybe loses his
first grand. ON SONG ((J)onson,
G) ... and here it is to Ben Jonson.
8. Brewed cha coming in I drink up − while playing this? PACHISI (anag. in ‘I sip’ (rev.)) The
cryptic definition in this clue is made by the reference to ‘cha’ in the
subsidiary indication, suggesting an eastern setting.
15. Timer with which girl follows say gee-gee.
EGG GLASS (e.g., g-g, lass) This
clue was printed in the newspaper with offending commas, apparently fore and aft
of ‘say’. Watson was more troubled by the persuasive ambiguity of its cryptic
indication. He had LOG GLASS written in the grid for a while which caused extra
trouble for our rude sailors at 17 across, seemingly clapped there in ‘oirns’. ‘Lo!’ and ‘Say!’ are both interjections which may
be used on similar occasions, but they do not share the same meaning as do ‘say’ and ‘e.g.’ This was,
perhaps, a case of Watson’s eye wandering from the compass. Nothing
25. Visitor to Italy blowing in from the south,
e.g. Paul. AUSTER (2 meanings)
references here are to Paul Auster,
and to the south wind, after which
the Auster aircraft is named.
26. Like the Carpenter, or his mate, swallowing
first of oysters? MOROSE (o in morse1) An
apt description of The Walrus and the Carpenter.
29. It includes Obama’s ‘Bo’, among
Americanisms. CANIS (hidden) Another
might be First Dog (Official).
Other solutions:
Across: 10.
PARISON (The Competition Word) 11. OATHS
(H in oats) 13. QUAPAWS (pa in (s)quaws) 20. GEOPHAGY
(anag. in anag.) 27.
LAKIN (lakin(g) s.v. lake4) 28. ACTOR (AC, rot (rev.)) 30. ANTABUSE (an,
tab, use &lit.) 32. STAP (hidden) 33. STINGOS (anag.)
Down: 3.
TRAPROCK (pro in track; s.v. trap2) 7. MOOP (moo, p) 9. SHOGUN (’s, ho2, gun) 12. STEMWARE (anag.) 19. LASTAGES (i.e. last ages) 21. PRIAPUS (pair (rev.) in pus) 22. SANTIR (anag.) 24. HOUSED (use in hod1) 31. BUSS
(2 defs.)