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1. Get ready for a boiled egg? One spills a lot BUTTERFINGERS (i.e.
butter fingers) An
entertaining and quite old-fashioned type of clue, with the solution treated as
a single phrase in the wordplay. Not everyone dips buttered bread fingers (soldiers)
in their boiled egg, but everyone should be familiar with the practice.
12. Chill in Scots moor I experienced lacking
plenty of clothing OORIE (hidden) Azed has no end of
original indicators for a hidden solution.
20. Struggling along a
marine has rounded cape, in mid-Atlantic?
ANGLO-AMERICAN (C in anag.) A reference to the ‘mid-Atlantic’ accent
adopted by celebrities and others seeking acceptance on both sides of the pond.
31. Heads for Lord’s as many dedicated amateur
players train here LAMDA
(initial letters) This
acronym (London
Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts) has its own entry in Chambers.
32. Chap going round clubs for a dark spot (little
luminance in club) MACLE (C in male, L
in mace) Azed
spots two treatments that give semantically very similar results, and treats solvers
to double wordplay with the definition in between.
7. Early version of the Good Book buried in
capital archives ITALA (hidden) The solution is found in Chambers under ‘Itala version’ in the
entry for ‘Italian’. It’s an early Bible also known as the Vetus Latina.
11. Weed, a grass that’s unusual in height SARGASSUM (anag. in sum) A less common sense of sum, meaning ‘height,
culmination, completion’. Sargassum is the genus of
seaweed found in the Sargasso Sea.
13. Goblin on earth amid trees changing places
among immortals ETERNISES
(nis2 E in anag.) Nis is a ‘friendly
goblin’ of Scandinavian folklore. The definition ‘places among immortals’ is
cleverly hidden.
18. Legendary traitor, dead, bloodied, beneath
layer of humus MORDRED (mor1
+ d + red) Mordred is the chief villain
of the Arthurian legends and Arthur’s nemesis as the latter attempts to reclaim
his usurped throne.
25. Pump supplying measure of liquid about right GRILL (r in
gill2) An
excellent misleading definition, in the sense of ‘interrogate’, to complement
the surface of the wordplay.
29. Rag offering dances for audience? HAZE (‘heys’; haze2,
hey2) Azed
seems to think that the pronunciations of ‘haze’ and ‘heys’
are sufficiently variable to justify adding a question-mark to the homophone. ‘Haze’
and ‘rag’ are used in the sense of ‘vex’.
Other solutions:
Across: 11. SPARKE (K in spare); 14. BLISS ((Cha)blis + S); 15.
RACKETT (racket + (I)t); 16. ROWNDELL (anag.
+ ll.); 19. GAULTER
(Gaul + ter(re)); 23. SYNERGY (y,
n in anag.); 28. RHAGADES; 30. ULNARIA (L in anag.
+ A); 33. THEIRS
(t + heirs); 34.
DREADLESSNESS (anag. in dress).
Down: 2. UPBOW (anag. + ow!); 3. TALWEG (anag. of WG late); 4. TRINGLES ((s)tringles(s)); 5. RESEDA (anag. +
a); 6. FURL (furl(ough)); 8. NOCTURN (con, rev. + turn); 9. ERECT (ere c(antonmen)t); 10. RITE (‘right’); 17. CLINAMEN (CL I name + n); 21. EXALTS (lax,
rev., in anag.); 22. CUDDIE (cud die); 24. NONCE (i.e. non-CE); 26. GEARS (anag. less t, t); 27. ALAR (a lar(K)).