The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Ian Harper

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Ian Harper has 13 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints  
2010 Annual Competition232.5 
June 2010Any “Double” Word (6 or more letters) (A Game of Two Halves)Skilful players from overseas have hosts losing heartHOTSHOTS (C has "mainly US" = from overseas): have: HO(s)TS ref SA's failings919  3 
March 2010MONEY (CLASS) (Wrong Number)Characters in form one? Young angels, perhapsHidden, angels/coins; form422.5  3 
2009 Annual Competition311.5 
November 2009Any FireworkFifth of November on calendar? Prepare to see this (11, two words)Roman candle: (M + ON + CALENDAR)* &lit181.5  6 
September 2009BONESRemains on good terms in amicable disagreementsOn BON, ends = terms in AMICABLE, DISAGREEMENTS529.5  1 
July 2009MENO (Printer’s Devilry)Hasten slaughter, send cows to pitHastens laughter's end – come now, stop it926.5  2 
June 2009OSCARFlying across southern deserts? Change once, in Alice Springs(ACROSS – S)* def Chambers (3) change = cash246  3 
May 2009POWERHOUSEWhere rotors pump alternating supply?(WHERE + alternate letters of ROTORSPUMP)* "in a supple manner" &lit627  3 
February 2009MCJOBOpening for menial pursued by patiently long-suffering individual after college?M(enial) followed by (biblical) Job after C=college: &lit634.5  2 
2008 Annual Competition315 
Christmas Special 2008CRACKER / VINTAGE (Right & Left)Negative batting? Boycott the last old-fashioned, safe opener, and one of the best of the typeNEGATIVE* with its final E "boycotted" (batting = fluttering – see Chambers): double def of cracker (1st ref safebreaking)152.5  4 
November 2008WILD MAREWhereon child wanting companion to push hard from the other end goes in opposite directions?CHILD (wanting = lacking) CH to RAM (rev = from other end) in W and E = opp dir: ref to seesaw427.5  2 
August 2008RELAUNCHRevival of "Charley's Aunt" being broadcast? Stay away!(CHARLEYSAUNT – STAY)*356.5  1 
April 2008PHATRap's term for what's foremost?Term = end: P for W in WHAT: &lit326.5  5 
January 2008MIRACLEWhat a martyr's original relic might generate?(A, M, RELIC)* + &lit434.5  7