The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Michael Doyle

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Michael Doyle has 6 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints  
2015 Annual Competition174 
August 2015CHESTERFIELDFashion died with combination of shirt, fleece and long overcoat(d+shirt+fleece)* ; Defn: long overcoat236  1 
2010 Annual Competition125.5 
April 2010GRAVEMight some Viagra vendor be the last resort for a stiff 'un?Hidden; Defn:last resort346  1 
February 2010BABUSHKAHas Bubka abandoned Mother Russia?Defn:Mother Russia; hasbubka* Ref:Sergei Bubka-Soviet Union's greatest athlete who latterly represented Ukraine upon break up of USSR438  2 
January 2010PALAVERSuch a fuss was made of Vera lap dancing!Defn:fuss ; Veralap*930  2 
2009 Annual Competition311.5 
Christmas Special 2009CRIMBO (Misprints)Bromic remedy required for restive periodDefn: festive period (misprinted as restive);bromic* Ref:bromic describes bromide compounds(often used to sedate)532.5  2 
June 2009OSCARInitiate of solitary confinement at Reading?First letters "of…Reading"; & lit. ref. Wilde.633.5  3