The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Nigel Lack

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Nigel Lack has 4 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2020 Annual Competition390.5  
April 2020OPENCurrently a sign rarely seen in shop entrances.And lit/hidden word shOP ENtrances8243  1 
2019 Annual Competition203.5  
April 2019SUCKER-PUNCHWithout warning, hit and shoot abusive husbandWithout warning hit – verb of sucker punch. Shoot (plant shoot) /sucker, abusive husband/Punch as in Punch and Judy1020.50  2 
March 2019NARCISSUSBeautiful boy shuns a skin cure, acne oddly disappearing in reflection!eNcA eRuC nIkS a SnUhS – odd letters disappearing in reverse.3310  3 
2011 Annual Competition213  
July 2011TRUNCHEONRun TC! He fouled on Officer Dibble's equipment?Anagram of 'run tc he' + 'on'333.50  7