The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Myrtilus

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Myrtilus has 7 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2023 Annual Competition184  
March 2023PANDEMICWidespread alarm about sea risingPanic about Med (reversed, down clue). Definition is Widespread.2382  2 
2022 Annual Competition224  
September 2022CHARLES THE THIRDER's child that evolved with her&Lit Anagram (ER's child that, her)628.50 
March 2022SUMMERTolerate females changing gender for part of the yearTolerate=Su(ff)er becomes Su(mm)er9293 
January 2022UNDERGROUNDHidden guns shelled the German base[g]un[s] ('shelled'), Der, base=ground (e.g. grounded/based in fact)3421  6 
2021 Annual Competition195  
Christmas Special 2021A Christmas Boxed Set (Anagram)1. A Banal Duets LP, 2. Recent Pub Singers, 3. Hear Little Boys CrySpandau Ballet, Bruce Springsteen, The Bay City Rollers6304  2 
November 2021SOUSAPHONEMusic producer fixed hopes on touring AmericaAnagram (fixed) of 'hopes on' going round USA.248.52  5 
October 2021YO-YOWhy do, say, cockapoo tails swing to and fro?Tails, i.e. last letters of [wh]Y [d]O [sa]Y [cockapo]O823.52  2