CCCWC April 2009 competition results
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49 clues entered. 42 votes cast (37 competitors, 5 others).
MOONSHINE (Letters Latent)
Runaway winner this month – well done Don! Much closer for the minor placings with Margaret just pipping Arnold and JT with Peter grabbing 5th spot. Thanks to everyone – a very entertaining competition!
Pos | No. | Name | Clue | Explanation | Points | |
1 | 46 | Don Manley | Tripe? Cook me with onions | H, anag. | 88.5 | 6 |
2 | 17 | Margaret Irvine | In NHS, ME's treated as a figment of imagination | O (in nhs me)* | 47 | 5 |
3 | 36 | Arnold Peace | Pants reveal bottom part of leg | E: Pants = def i.e. nonsense. reveal bottom = MOON + part of leg = shin | 45.5 | 3 |
4 | 34 | John Tozer | Order from Al Capone? No one messes with him! | S; anag.; Capone supplied illegal liquor | 42 | 2 |
5 | 5 | Peter Cargill | Bottom displays in middle of 'Dream' what's asinine | H latent; MOONS+IN+E; moons=shows off bottom; 'Dream'=A Midsummer Night's Dream; ref to Bottom with ass's head; asinine=nonsensical | 34 | 3 |
6 | 20 | John Hood | It's still produced illegally – and could be in me soon! | (LL=H) anagram of "IN ME SOON" = MOONSINE / def moonshine, illicit spirit produced in a still | 26.5 | 3 |
7 | 26 | Keith Williams | Low is high – nonsense! | MOO + S + HIE (N = LL): Moonshine = nonsense(inf) | 23.5 | 2 |
8 | 16 | R.E.Boot | Hooch essentially is home-brewed | Letters Latent N ; Anag( o + is home ) & lit | 22.5 | 2 |
9 | 23 | Vinod Raman | Liquor smuggled in shoe, no rum! | Def: Liquor smuggled, LL: M, OONSHINE=inshoeno*, rum being the anagram indicator | 22 | |
10 | 7 | Jenny Mackenzie | Dodgy liquor he brewed with onions | M latent. anag. he + onions | 21.5 | 2 |
11 | 3 | Black Jim Beam? No one messed with him | S latent. NOONEHIM* Black = illicit. Jim Beam: a leading brand of bourbon. | 18.5 | 1 | |
11 | 8 | Elks gathering, greeting the mountain dew | HI in MOOSE; LATENT LETTER = N; mountain dew = def. | 18.5 | ||
13 | 14 | He is affected by low spirits when banned | MOOSHIE: *HE IS by MOO=low; def. 'spirits when banned' | 16 | 1 | |
14 | 15 | Home in on fermented smuggled spirits | S is the latent letter. Home in on* (anagram indicator = fermented) | 15.5 | 1 | |
15 | 29 | Many odd characters with Polish spirit. | Latent letter O: mnshine – mn odd letters of many, polish – shine. spirit – def. of moonshine | 13 | ||
16 | 1 | After maiden over, Onions has opener of Essex going off for bad light | M + anagram ref Graham Onions just selected for England – h latent | 12 | 2 | |
17 | 11 | Faulty NHS spectacles in England can make you go blind | M = latent letter; Anagram of NHS,OO (spectacles=OO) + IN + E; Drinking moonshine can make you go blind | 11 | 2 | |
18 | 32 | No homespun cocktail makes up this drink | (NOHOMESPUN)* = UP + MOONSH(I)NE | 9.5 | 1 | |
19 | 12 | Following cow's call, new calf presses closes to this bull | MOONSHIN: (MOO + N) + SHIN (calf presses close to this) | 8 | ||
20 | 9 | Expose bottom part of leg for reality show? Quite the opposite | Latent E. MOON + SHIN. Chambers defn says "Show without reality" | 7.5 | 2 | |
21 | 37 | Produced by N. Ohio men with licence? Nonsense! | 'S' latent. Anagram of N OHIO MEN (indicated by 'with licence'). Definition is 'Nonsense!'. Whole clue also reads as a cryptic definition. | 7 | 1 | |
21 | 47 | Unreal display Emin assembled outside soon to be replaced | Anag of EMIN outside anag of SOON – MOONSINE (latent H). Def = unreal display | 7 | 1 | |
23 | 42 | Spooner's shortly to explode with stuff and nonsense | (s)oon (m)ine – h latent | 6 | 1 | |
24 | 6 | Cobblers work on last to refashion heel on Gucci shoe | OONSHINE; anag. of ON (refashio)N (Gucc)I SHOE | 5.5 | 2 | |
24 | 22 | Light heavens throw out, low at first in East | H: HEAVENS – HEAVE/throw, MOO/low at first, IN E | 5.5 | 1 | |
26 | 10 | Expose rear end and part of leg, could this be "flashing" at night? | Expose rear end = moon, part of leg = shin. Flashing = sparkling at night = Moonshine. Flashing also alludes to the "mooning" in the first half of the clue. | 5 | ||
26 | 13 | Hacks land here after more illegal drink | Mo + "on shin" Hack = kick on shin | 5 | 1 | |
26 | 19 | Is it still produced in Soho, Nebraska? | M is latent. 'Is it still produced' is the definition, with 'produced' doing double duty as the anagind of 'in Soho', followed by 'Ne', the two letter abbreviation for Nebraska. | 5 | 3 | |
26 | 28 | Mansion House brewed without a permitting order initially? | Latent Letter – E Reference – Mansion House,Scotch Whiskey. ( Substitution – House = H Explanation – Anagram of MNSION H containing O, &lit. | 5 | ||
26 | 39 | Secretary having lost a bit of esteem gets close to Brown…and still makes it. | LL is I: Secretary = moonshee (Chambers); remove E(steem) add (Brow)N. defn: 'still (apparatus) makes it. | 5 | 3 | |
31 | 18 | In this gnomon's no good, ie inaccurate, and lit! | H latent. (g)NOMONSIE*. gnomon = pin of sundial. &lit! | 4 | 3 | |
31 | 21 | Kidding me? Onions with corn mash? | Removed letter: H Direct = corn mash Moonsine = me onions (kidding = anagram indicator) | 4 | 1 | |
31 | 38 | Rubbish batting (two ducks) and he's fumbled catch | (M)oonshine: "in" caught by 0+0+'n'+anag. "he's" | 4 | ||
31 | 40 | Show (buttocks) without reality | Missing letter H. moon + sine, &lit | 4 | 1 | |
31 | 44 | The cow says to the horse: "Go left" – that's surely of all sense bereft! | Grid entry is MOOSHIE (N is the latent letter) MOOS (what a cow says) + HIE (instruction to a horse to turn left); definition is nonsense (i.e. of all sense bereft), which is one possible meaning for MOONSHINE per Chambers. | 4 | ||
36 | 2 | At the end of the day, illumination reveals the bottom line: a pound short! | Latent letter H. Definition + MOONS + LINE – L. | 3 | 2 | |
36 | 4 | Bootleg Money? Without yen, no return of function. | Money – yen = MO. return no = ON. Function = SINE. Latent letter = H. | 3 | ||
36 | 43 | Still output greeting to surrounding deer. | HI in MOOSE. N is latent. Definition : STILL OUTPUT | 3 | ||
39 | 24 | Low from stocks and shares initially is accompanied by high for black market produce | N latent; moo s(hares) hie2; stock = group of cattle, etc; ref. effect on crime of financial crisis | 2 | 2 | |
39 | 30 | Men in Soho busted making illicit brew; Morning News stated how insider noticed evidence initially. | Latent letter O. "Men in Soho" anagram of moonshine. Initials of second part spell mnshine. | 2 | 1 | |
39 | 41 | Solution of low name, evil energy! | MOO+N+SIN+E (& lit.) [H] | 2 | ||
39 | 48 | What might make a US state glow tonight? | O is latent; MN + shine (and double meaning) | 2 | ||
43 | 25 | Low hut left abandoned for a month | (N) MOO(low) + SHIEL(hut) – L(left) defn. a month | 1 | 2 | |
43 | 27 | Low rough inn, the venue for quiet drink? | E latent. SH (quiet) in MOO (low) + anag inn; Definition: drink | 1 | ||
43 | 31 | Minister introducing fanciful beginnings with his older sister named Ophelia? Balls! | anag initial letters in Min; LL E; Ed Balls joke Guardian article Nov 08 | 1 | ||
43 | 35 | Oxen talk in Scottish to turn their plough to the left. That's nonsense! | N. Oxen talk – moos; hie – to turn (e.g. plough-oxen) to the left. (Scot) | 1 | 1 | |
43 | 49 | Will's month shows behind in East. | Latent letter – 'H'. Def("Moonshine"=Shakesp. "month")/moons/in+E | 1 | ||
48 | 33 | Non-U old actor's eccentricity leads to unrealistic performance | M(OO)NSHINE: M(u)nshin e; ref. Jules Munshin; one of the C definitions is "show without reality" | 0 | 2 | |
48 | 45 | The flashing round neon lights even make the nights quite bright! | (LATENT LETTER -'M') Anagram of 'O','NEON'& 'i,h & s'; 'make the nights quite bright' = MOONSHINE | 0 |