The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC July competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 22: Jump once, up high! (6)

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A clue to POUNCE.
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Comments on the competition
Jaguar punctures feature in several clues and there are even more variations on quiet cats, I prefer the simpler 42 and 61 to some of the more intricate versions. A few clues stand out with a different approach and a clean surface reading, notably 7, 8 and 22.
This month's bumper field seized upon the clueword with great relish, offering clues with a splendid variety of definitions, and lits and surface readings, though relatively few anagrams. A dozen clues (*) stood out from the crowd, and it really was quite difficult to separate some of them. Definitions used in order of popularity were:

(i) Jump/leap/spring (22 clues) *****

(ii) Attack/swoop/seize (14 clues)*****

(iii) Powder (7 clues) *

(iv) Puncture/pink (6 clues) *

(v) Trace (1 clue)

The remaining 12 clues were more difficult to categorise as the definitions offered were much vaguer (7, 9, 11, 33, 34, 39, 41, 42, 59, 60, 61 and 62).

Regarding wordplay, almost a third of clues (20) used a feline indicator for OUNCE (jaguar 16 17 31* 39 40, leopard 11 25* 27 55* 59 , big cat 5* 34 54 62, cat 4 36 58, feline 42), leading to great possibilities for the surface reading and an excellent opportunity for an & lit. clue. In fact a whacking 11 clues had an & lit. structure, (11, 15, 19*, 25*, 26, 38, 45*, 47*, 59, 61, 58 (semi)), with a couple of others (4 and 42) missing out on semi & lit. status because the definition, whilst being separate from the wordplay, nethertheless relied too heavily on it to be fair to the solver. It's important that the wordplay enhances the definition in a semi & lit. clue, but that the definition part is also easily identifiable on its own.

Just over a quarter of clues employed wordplay with a monetary and/or weight element (2, 3, 12*, 13*, 21, 35, 51 and 56*).

There was a fine variety of techniques employed to indicate the preceding P, including abbreviations (power 9 11 24 39, parking 12* 16 17 31* 40 (very popular with the jaguars), penny 3 13*, soft/quietly 10 34 42 43 61 62 63), initial letters (puma 4, prey 5* 55* 58 59, panther 36, predatory 25*), middle letter (leopard 27) and final letters (jump 19*, leap 26). Not much scope for anagrams though this month, with UPON being the most popular (8, 18, 45*, 47* and 60), often combined with church for CE (also used in clues 21 and 56), and two appearances each for ONCE UP (22* and 38) and ONE CUP (32 and 48*).