Comments on the clues |
1. 100-1 shot? Encore! She'll be leading the Tour (8) |
1. | Very good – my winner for topicality and deception | 2. | Clever idea, but "bravo" would be more appropriate, and tennis reference is not obvious (my first thought was the Tour de France) |
2. A guide for the beer sommelier? |
1. | It’s a red flag for me when the explanation needs to be this long. The second def. is very specialised and not in dictionaries | 2. | A long essay to try to justify a not-very-distinct double definition | 3. | Not very cryptic |
3. A shower around noon regularly interrupted recce I organised |
1. | The definition is great but 'regularly' sticks out and the rest of the surface doesn't make much sense | 2. | Great definition but I’m not convinced by the surface suggestion of a regular recce – aren’t they generally one-off missions? | 3. | Great definition | 4. | Amusing definition. | 5. | "Regularly" implies more than one recce | 6. | Nice to have a definition which isn't 'guide' |
4. "At the Prado, none may enter theatre," he informs the tourists |
1. | Cleverly constructed. Is there a theatre at the Prado? | 2. | The best clue by a distance | 3. | Nice clue, but not sure you can expect solvers to know this Spanish word | 4. | Nice clue but solver shouldn’t need to know Spanish. | 5. | Non-trivial knowledge of Spanish language required | 6. | ¿El Museo del Prado tiene teatro? |
5. Bamboozled concierge loses a thousand dollars to tourist guide. |
1. | Like the anagram, don't like link word "to" |
6. Big fish (term for chairman) in French company's to conduct guided tour |
1. | Good idea rather spoilt by the brackets | 2. | Don't like "term" for last letter |
7. Busy concierge ignores Girl Guide (8) |
1. | Chambers doesn't give me G = girl. | 2. | I can’t find evidence for this abbreviation | 3. | A very nice short clue, possible winner | 4. | Nice clue – couldn't find a source for g = girl when considering a similar clue, but it works for me |
8. Circe, transforming, required a guide |
9. Conductor ruined concert (i.e., out of time) |
1. | Like the idea but the surface is rather clunky | 2. | Better without the brackets, but still very good. | 3. | Nicely worded, but the bracketing upsets the grammar of the wordplay | 4. | Rather unnatural use of "i.e." |
10. Cone filled with ice cream (sans ground mace) for tour guide |
1. | Unconvincing surface, surely no-one puts mace in ice cream in the first place |
11. Courier almost coerced during drug withdrawal breakdown |
1. | It's not clear what this means |
12. Courier once directing our outing |
1. | Clever, but I'm not 100% convinced by either of the two indicators. | 2. | I don’t think ‘directing’ can mean ‘rearranging (itself)’ in this way | 3. | Directing and outing don't work for me | 4. | Original and neat – 'directing' rather than 'directed' jars a bit. |
13. Eric playing cornet without show |
1. | Since cicerone is a noun, the clue needs to define a noun |
14. Erotic acting, it's ignored in film guide |
1. | Good idea – not totally convinced by film as synonym of cine | 2. | Clever idea |
15. Escort used when touring Nice or Crete on vacation? (8) |
1. | Happy with either "Escort" or "Escort used when touring" as definition. This seems to be "Escort used" which makes no sense | 2. | Neatly constructed, an avenue I attempted to follow but couldn't make with such elegance – votes from me | 3. | ‘Used when’ looks redundant in the wordplay | 4. | My favourite – should score well |
16. Expert guide deployed on recce round island |
1. | Very fluent surface. | 2. | Another neat clue |
17. Guide at the Natural History Museum, perhaps dropping aitches: "Chic 'eron, eh?" |
1. | Interesting idea though a bit contrived. | 2. | Very ingenious, although surface is rather forced | 3. | Too contrived I'm afraid |
18. Guide captain in charge east, or back another direction |
1. | dont like Direction to indicated one of 8 compass directions | 2. | Surface meaning is unclear | 3. | Surface doesn't flow nicely |
19. Guide disturbed cornice near summit of Everest |
1. | Great surface. | 2. | Very good surface | 3. | Unlikely place to find a decorative moulding |
20. Guide divers on island recce |
1. | I am on the fence about divers as an anagram indicating adjective – worth a merit | 2. | Economical cluing and creative use of 'divers' as an anagram indicator, this gets some of my votes | 3. | One of my favourite anagram indicators! | 4. | Clever and concise | 5. | Not sure I would have spotted divers as an anagram indicator |
21. Guide hag around rocks (8) |
22. Guide ice cream’s second portion into cornet |
1. | Guide is rather an inappropriate word in this context |
23. Guide in charge replacing leaders of hotels and parks (8) |
1. | Chaperone is a good spot but I don't think the clue works as a whole | 2. | I like the idea and wordplay but for me the whole clue doesn't quite work as a definition |
24. Guide in Rome could be Marcus Tullius? |
1. | CICERONE = CICERO? Does it? | 2. | 'Cicerone' is derived from Cicero? | 3. | Shared roots is problematic | 4. | This is more a general knowledge question than a crossword clue | 5. | Not cryptic |
25. Guide old woman over frozen water (8) |
1. | Frozen water is a bit too obvious | 2. | Simple but effective using kinder definition of 'crone'. |
26. Guide old woman without coat |
1. | Coat = ice in the sense of icing a cake. |
27. Guide rice once mashed |
1. | Weird surface? | 2. | How do you guide rice? | 3. | What does it mean? |
28. Guide shows club round church in central Gloucester |
1. | Ingenious, although I find double insertions a bit too fiddly to unravel | 2. | Layered like a Russian doll! |
29. Guide to really cool stuff found in old bag (8) |
1. | Very nice use of "cool" as an adjective in the surface reading and as a verb in the wordplay. | 2. | Not clear what the surface story is here | 3. | Not sure if there's a market for such a guide, but well clued |
30. Guide wandering close to the cornice |
1. | OK wordplay, although surface doesn't say much | 2. | Lovely |
31. Guide wild rice into ice-cream container (8) |
1. | You don't guide food into containers – it sounds odd | 2. | Does one guide rice? | 3. | How do you guide rice? | 4. | Nice work! |
32. Guide's diamonds concealed by old woman |
33. Guide’s upset: No ice cream till morning sadly |
1. | Nice but isn’t ‘sadly’ redundant with ‘upset’ earlier in the clue? | 2. | There are two anagrinds ("upset" and "sadly"). | 3. | An original approach, but maybe "before morning" would be better for the wordplay. (There's no reason to capitalise No, either) | 4. | If 'till morning' means 'get rid of AM, then 'sadly' is redundant | 5. | Nice, but "sadly" seems extraneous. | 6. | I love the 'till morning'! Such an unusual way to get rid of letters but I think it works |
34. Having seen off guests early on, versatile concierge becomes what? |
1. | My favourite of the concierge – g clues | 2. | There are many jobs a concierge could moonlight in | 3. | Good surface, but I'm not convinced by "early on" for the initial letter of guests. Why not "at first"? |
35. He might point to an exotic cornice (8) |
1. | “To” would not indicate E comes after or is next to the fodder | 2. | Best of the cornice clues | 3. | Is might a fair anagram indicator? |
36. How to serve gelato right? Here's a guide |
1. | too indirect for me | 2. | Interesting idea but too indirect for my taste | 3. | Gelato belongs in a cone but not ‘gelato right’ | 4. | A "Bust down reason?" type of clue (BRAINWASH) where the solution points to the wordplay rather than vice versa, but rather opaque |
37. I knew where to find the local places where rice once was cultivated (8) |
1. | Nice surface, know would be better than knew. | 2. | 'where' is unjustifiable padding and 'was' is the wrong tense |
38. Ice cream sandwiches in freezer for tour guide (8) |
1. | "in" is superfluous | 2. | Worplay doesn't use "in" | 3. | Not sure about 'in', but a clever idea |
39. Ice-cream cone came awry, wrecking tourist's experience |
1. | This is not &Lit | 2. | Very definitely not an & lit, and "tourist's experience" doesn't work as a definition for cicerone |
40. In Arctic ice, Ron encountered a guide (8) |
1. | Finding a hidden word clue for cicerone is impressive | 2. | I like a hidden word – nicely done |
41. Incorrect guide or turgid one? |
1. | Anagram indicator missing or incorrect is doing double duty | 2. | Ingenious composite anagram of "incorrect guide" and "turgid cicerone", but needs a better anagrind than "or" |
42. Lithuania omitted from dodgy electronic guide |
1. | Surface seems rather arbitrary | 2. | I nearly submitted the very same wording – worth a point for the 'bingo' moment! |
43. Measure of type, not once a guide |
1. | Same root – CICERO and CICERONE | 2. | Surface makes little sense, and I can't see how "not once" gives NE | 3. | ??? I don't get this |
44. Museum guide at the entrance to gallery confused for concierge (8) |
1. | Best of the concierge clues |
45. Nice core exercises in guide |
1. | Short clues are always good clues to me | 2. | Simple and effective | 3. | “for” is better than “in” , I think | 4. | Different take – nice and neat. |
46. Old woman collecting money for guide (8) |
1. | Best of the “old woman” clues.. Ice for money seems indirect | 2. | Money = lolly = ice is too far removed |
47. Old woman eating gelato is a tour guide (8) |
1. | My favourite of the ICE in CRONE clues |
48. One circle assembled taking first of lectures from one making interesting points |
1. | Quite complex but compltete1y fair – a solid clue, getting some of my votes. Nice surface reading. |
49. One with concrete plans, taking out tourists primarily (8) |
1. | Is "plans" the anagram indicator? | 2. | I'm not convinced 'fodder plans' works, and 'with concrete plans' not really anything anything to do with def |
50. Perhaps concierge's no good as a guide (8) |
1. | As is a weak connector. Neat clue otherwise | 2. | I really liked this clue. Unsure about 's and as |
51. Religious painting in church, capturing our first lady, gets a knowledgeable guide |
1. | ER = our first lady is too much of an indirect leap for me | 2. | Nicely done |
52. Shower curtain’s opening with hero getting top slashed in cinema (but not the mother!) |
1. | Clever and made me giggle but a bit too contrived for points | 2. | A slightly strained clue but one I particularly enjoyed |
53. Shower of diamonds filling bag |
1. | Good misdirection with the word shower |
54. Soldier, Queen and I need guidance. |
1. | Need guidance does not = Cicerone | 2. | Doesn't define cicerone |
55. Sort of religious instruction once found in church guide |
1. | 'Sort of' (rather than 'sort') does not work for me as anagrind – pity as excellent clue otherwise. |
56. Source of information on recce trips? |
1. | A very neatly constructed clue, votes from me | 2. | Nice one. | 3. | Clever & lit |
57. Top Roman capital guide taking tour round centre of Trevi? |
1. | There seems to be a misprint in the explanation, but I still can't see where "one" comes from |
58. Tour Guide 101: on vacation choose right one (8) |
1. | Entertaining clue | 2. | Unconvincing surface |
59. Tour guide can become egocentric when plied with gin and tonic |
1. | Not too difficult, which is the normal problem with comp anags, but might have been better with G&T not spelt out | 2. | Too complicated, I can't be bothered to unravel clues like this |
60. Tour guide’s drugs in old bag |
1. | Reasonable clue, but doesn't really stand out from all the other guide clues |
61. Tourist guide takes old woman around reserve (8) |
1. | Maybe the best surface of the CRONE ICE clues | 2. | Reasonable clue, but doesn't really stand out from all the other guide clues |
62. Tourists’ leader on 101 scores four from bouncer and a single |
1. | "scores four from bouncer" is very ingenious, but "on" doesn't quite work | 2. | Ingenious! |
63. Travelling circle getting left abandoned needs one? |
1. | Clever &lit although definition is rather loose | 2. | Clever & lit |
64. Tully, the Roman docent |
1. | Maybe this is a Latin thing I don't understand. Your wordplay gives CICERO but where are you getting the -NE from? | 2. | This is more like a general knowledge question than a crossword clue | 3. | Not cryptic |