Comments on the clues |
1. A child of Mars ascendant with aspect of Mercury in age of Leo, e.g. |
1. | The horoscope nonsense surface is a nice idea but I'm not keen on the definition or the weird trailing e.g. |
2. A few picked up on face of Everest right before fall |
1. | Not keen on this homophone as SUMM isn't a word | 2. | A homophone is supposed to be an actual word. It can't spell out a non-existent word like SUMM. | 3. | When using homophones, one should use real words (which "summ" is not). See clue 3. |
3. A few reportedly starting to make everything ready for this season (6) |
1. | 'Starting to' is too much of a stretch grammatically | 2. | should be "startings" for three words | 3. | "starting" doesn't work in the cryptic grammar. Should be "startings" or "starts" (but of course those spoil the surface). |
4. Adder biting back of arm, serum is administered |
1. | Well spotted, but I think the surface reading of 9 is more smooth |
5. Adder lurking in crem must upset |
7. Adder season? |
1. | 2 word DD, where one shares its meaning with the surface possibly a bit easy | 2. | A very good clue & votes from me. A shame it was repeated, otherwise this should have been up there. I hope it still is. |
9. Adder venom finally treated with serum |
1. | Best adder award | 2. | Best of the adder clues | 3. | My favourite of the adder clues but lacking the sparkle to receive lots of my points amongst a strong field |
11. Adder's season |
1. | A good clue with some votes from me. Most unfortunate that it's almost identical to two others. I hope it does well. |
12. Amount the French drink in three months |
1. | Nice surface and wordplay, def a bit loose | 2. | Very good: simple and effective | 3. | I liked this but it's spoilt by the inclusion of 'the' ruining the wordplay. |
13. Arithmetician's theorem must be rejected, in part |
1. | The presence of “be” makes the cryptic grammar awkward, I.e. ‘definition is fodder be rejected’ | 2. | First 3 words very nice but, I'm struggling to see how "(be) rejected" means backwards? | 3. | 'Be' in the wordplay is superfluous | 4. | I had an almost identical clue but changed my entry at the eleventh hour. Votes here & will be most interested in your placing. | 5. | Best of the hidden word clues. | 6. | Original wordplay and well-disguised hidden solution |
14. "Beam me up Scotty," mission leaders ordered; sounding hesitant. |
1. | why the semi-colon? | 2. | Gusset dampeningly funny, accurate & one of the best clues for me. Live long & prosper! | 3. | Why would they be hesitant? | 4. | A pity the plural 'mission leaders' does not sit well with the singular 'me' in this otherwise original clue. |
16. Bring me rums for the watermelon season. |
1. | No anagram indicator | 2. | no anagrind | 3. | You'd say 'bring me rum' not 'rums' | 4. | "Bring" doesn't work for me as an anagrind. |
17. Byron's year in Italian estate (6) |
1. | Unfair to expect knowledge of Italian |
18. Calculative device, naughty ruse to capture two maidens? |
1. | Not sure 'calculative' = 'calculated' |
19. Counts the cost when we go on holiday perhaps(6) |
1. | 'He counts the cost' would make D1 grammatically correct |
22. Fresh rums sustain me when the weather's hot (6) |
1. | "Fresh" doesn't feel very convincing in the surface | 2. | "Sustain" doesn't work for me as a containment indicator. |
23. Go through difficulties with males replacing females for a season (6) |
1. | I don't understand what the surface is supposed to mean? |
24. Harem muses about giving up when the days are long and hot |
1. | Not totally convinced convinced by the surface but I do like “muses about giving up” |
26. Hot time with couple of maidens in sack? Sure! |
1. | Nice surface but I’m not sure that “in” works before an imperative anagrind: ‘solution with letters in mix up fodder’? | 2. | Wordplay needs 'sacked sure' |
27. Hub of ancient civilisation doubled in period prior to fall |
1. | Nice surface, but wordplay a little obscure | 2. | Good idea, neatly executed |
30. Indian comes between Arab and Cheyenne, perhaps? |
1. | Too obscure (Cheyenne Autumn). |
31. It appears before fall in quantity only, mostly (6) |
1. | What does the surface mean? |
33. Lazy, hazy days of endless surf and Emma! |
34. Madame indicated wee is drunk by her on ninety odd days each year |
1. | Quite tricky I think but cleverly constructed and worthy of points for innovation | 2. | A clue about a woman who drinks urine? No, thanks |
35. Months lying in endless sun and sea in France? |
1. | Lovely & lit. | 2. | Original and entertaining wordplay and surface story. |
36. Mum's trip bordering Equator could be a hot one. |
1. | 'bordering equator' ≠ 'borders of equator' | 2. | I don't buy "bordering" as indicating "the borders of." |
38. Number by Motörhead and Queen in time for rock festival? |
1. | Good luck getting the Ximeneans to accept this lift-and-separate clue. |
40. One solves maths problem essentially numeric? |
1. | The "one who sums" definition disappointing when same sense of sum is in wordplay. Like "One who chops tree part German (6)" for logger. | 2. | Meanings of 'sum' and 'summer' are the same, and I think 'essentially' can only indicate the middle letter(s) of a word |
41. Plaintiff gets millions… and 6-9 months? |
1. | The implied surface doesn't make sense: Why would a plaintiff get a prison term? |
43. Resume unfinished motorway repairs when hot weather is expected |
1. | Surface clue reads exceptionally well |
45. Season some possum merguez |
1. | I like the definition but not the wacky recipe | 2. | This only happens in crossword clues |
48. Second unpleasant situation after deposing leader midyear (6) |
1. | Nice clue but a weak definition |
50. Sigma in a maths book? |
1. | I'm struggling to see any misdirection – it doesn't seem very cryptic to me? | 2. | Not cryptic enough for a crossword clue | 3. | Sigma is a notation to sum; it is not one that sums. |
51. Some Like It Hot: Marilyn Monroe initially taken in by absurd ruse |
1. | Very clever | 2. | Nicely done | 3. | Definition a tad weak, however, a superb surface & a great 'stock cube' review of the film so this gets some useful votes. Best of luck. |
52. Someone like S. Ramanujan, Indian type received warmly in US (6) |
1. | Ramanujan prayed to Shiva for inspiration. Did you take similar counsel? |
54. The best time calculator? (6) |
1. | Good &Lit. Why the superlative ‘best’ when “good” would have worked fine for the surface without condemning Summer to such high expectations |
55. The happiest of times, making one beam? |
1. | One of the better double defs |
57. This season, Sheffield United’s manager made everyone rehearse headers. |
1. | "Season" def and "headers" indicator in a football clue very nice. You don't need the full stop. | 2. | Amusing, clever, & votes from me. Will this hit the back of the 'onion sack'? Good luck. | 3. | A pity 'rehearse' isn't really the right word | 4. | Never easy to come up with a plausible surface story using first letters of six consecutive words – let down here by 'rehearse'. |
58. Time for the evening meal, with musk melon starters instead of peas, I hear |
1. | another wacky recipe | 2. | A good clue, let down by the sub-optimal definition of Summer as 'time', I feel |
60. Totter before fall |
1. | Top Totter Award | 2. | Simple but effective |
63. Turkey escaped – not one for plucking, I reckon! |
1. | This would work better with a different word order |
64. Vivaldi's second perhaps, but who's counting? |
1. | Nice surface, but I'm never keen on 'but' as a joining word in a clue | 2. | What’s the point of ‘but’? |
65. Wacky bummers missing Black Adder (6) |
1. | I'm familiar with Blackadder but not Black Adder | 2. | Unsavoury reference to ‘bummers’ apart, excellent construction. Loved the reference to Atkinson’s greatest has-Bean character! |
66. What precedes fall of Moscow’s leader: entering historic region |
1. | Topical surface | 2. | Good clue – in my top few – with extra half mark added for topicality | 3. | Historic region is too vague to clue Sumer. |
67. When Frenchwoman bathes in south of Spain? |
1. | I really like "south of Spain" | 2. | Good & lit. idea | 3. | A point for a nice picture |
69. When stranger removes top at the first sign of sunshine ? |
1. | Best of the & lits | 2. | Why does ‘before Fall’ = SUMMER? “Summer” can be used as an adjective, but are we forgetting that ‘before Fall’ is an adverbial? |
70. Worried mum’s right about pride ultimately; it comes before a fall (6) |
1. | Clever congruity with the proverb | 2. | Good surface, though beaten by some more concise ideas | 3. | Nice clue except for 'ultimately' being a bit obvious. Is 68 better? |