The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC April competition voters’ comments

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13 comments were received for this competition (from 6 competitors, 2 others)

Here is the text

Comments on the clues
1. According to the rap lyrics it’s where the hirsute can expect to be in the chair for 25 cents
1.Lot of info.
3. Bishop and queen’s husband walk into a bar with a naked Pope. (This one can make your hair curl!) (10)
1.The cryptic grammar doesn't seem to work. 's to be read as "has"?
2.'a' is spoiling the word play. It will lead to a+op
6. Brash probe undid clip joint
1.Minimalist and nice
8. Club bouncer’s opening posher cocktail place on high street
1.Like the smooth surface and invisible seam, but the "the" in the explanation would have improved the clue.
11. Go from pub to pub downing ales, belting out European chiral music (10)
1.chiral or choral? Can't be a typo if it comes twice
2.That's an unfortunate typo :(
3.Chiral is a chemical expression, not a type of music
15. It’s hard work to follow Adagio composer’s Music for Quartet
1.It's (it is) is fine, but then the better syntax would be following instead of to follow
2.[It's] not needed though, is it? So why have it?
3."It's" requires "following". Would still work. Some hint at *vocal* music might be fairer, but nice surface.
21. Singing quartet forbid dance involving dancing horse
1.Anagram fodder has too many O's
23. Such a quartet might be rash if playing bebop's abandoned
1.There's an R unaccounted for here.