The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC August competition voters’ comments

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A clue to BLACKMAIL.
22 comments were received for this competition (from 4 competitors, 2 others)

Here is the text

Comments on the clues
2. Bond holds Miss Moneypenny’s head in squeeze (9)
1.Nice story, but I'm dubious about 'miss' = 'lack'
6. Compelling demand sees Noel finally back with Liam performing
1.Bravo! Very nicely constructed. Full marks for topicality, definitely maybe one for the honours board!
2.This looks like a winner!
7. Could be Idris Elba's in audition for Hitchcock classic
1.Wouldn't this be better without the 's ? Good all the same
2.He's black, but to use him only for his blackness is like using Jane Austen, say, as a DBE for woman.
10. Demand money or heartlessly leak – a bold claim, maybe? (9)
1.Surface doesn't really make sense
11. Demand paper after bowel's beginning to void
1.Funny idea but 'to' is a weak link
12. Dim man reported crime
1.I wouldn't trust the thesaurus here: dim is not the same as black!
14. Dismal Noel’s brother returns – it could be emotional
1.Dismal = black is in Chambers but I can't say I like it.
15. Doctor upset nurses want exact money?
16. Exact amount of money?
1.Short and sweet
18. Excited almost like a lamb, about milk (9)
1.The indirect C is a problem unless explicitly enveloped.
22. Extortion? Sounds like you act for a bulk claim capriciously.
1.U *acts* for A
23. Force payment when short a grand in bond
1.'short a grand' just sounds wrong I'm afraid
25. It's missing in second class post to be exact (9)
1.Missing = lacking not lack
2.LACK = it's missing is awkward (you really need what's missing). Nice though.
27. Need maiden in Bali possibly for immoral act
1.Nice wordplay, definition a bit loose
29. Need money in large bundle, say, for ransom (9)
1.How does say merely next to a word tell me to look for a homophone?
35. Press release about deficit starting to mount
1.Mount's starting <> mount's beginning.
37. Security guards want money, this exact amount?
1.'This' destroys your definition.
41. Trouble in pursuit of dirty money?
1.It's a bit incongruous to claim an &lit., but weasel out with a question-mark
42. With extortion by threats I may lack a limb ( 9 )
1.Not convinced you rearrange the letters with may.