The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC March competition voters’ comments

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95 comments were received for this competition (from 16 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the competition
A pleasing variety of approaches this month and some excellent clues. For originality of approach I've given 5 points to 52, which I think works very nicely. 21 is clever and original and gets 4 points. Of the two 'temp. rising' anagrams, I preferred 41 and gave it 3 points. 45 is a brave, but rather unwieldy, attempt to use the 'printemps' anagram; 2 points. And 1 point to 1, another neat &lit. using 'sap rising'.
Not sure May/April can be used as adequate definition.
I enjoyed many of the clues – thanks! I reckon that a perfect clue would allow for Southern Hemisphere springtime rather than the March-May period. (My own clue fell into this trap!)
Comments on the clues
2. Absolutely the wrong season to experience the beauty of Niagara Falls?
1.Where is this one going?
2.There's nothing to indicate this leads to 'springtime' rather than 'spring'
3. Adjustment per timings occurs annually here? (10)
1.Adjustment <fodder> does not quite indicate rearrangement. That is the problem with nounal anagrinds when used inappropriately.
4. April playfully trips me in passing, after all
1.April too loose a def. Springtime is surely March + April + May, a whole season not a single month.
5. Arise with life's annual rebirth
1.Arise=spring is fine – but I don't see life=time as OK. A pity, because the clue is otherwise very neat.
6. Book of the Bible that follows trap set by snake, finally, 6 months before “ the Fall”
1.Ingenious and enjoyable
7. By arrangement prints images shot as winter ended (10)
1.'winter ended' as def. seems a bit awkward
2.I wish I could accept "winter ended" as a defn.
8. Comet season?
1.I like the succinctness of the clue.It is apparent that 'season'' is the definition part but fun is in solving the comet mystery.
2.I think it's unreasonable to expect the reader to split words in the clue, unless it's clearly indicated
3.I like the innovation in 'Comet'. But come for spring is very weak.
9. Crossing the Channel "Printemps" somehow acquires German influence at first but loses power
1.'Printemps' is doing double duty as anagram fodder and part of the definition.
2.An interesting clue – but the anagram indicator should include the G and I
10. Dawn, what are you doing inside? It's warming up outside, now
1.Nice idea though 'what are you doing inside?' is awkward for 'time'. In crosswordese, 'you' is the solver!
11. During this season, Astaire enjoyed his Easter Parade premiere and Rogers first took the leading woman's role in another of his films.
1.I'm not too worried by long clues, but at over 100 letters this is pushing it. Reference to 'Swing Time' is too obscure for me.
2.Too long (clue and explanation)
3.A nice idea…but I feel that 22 words is much too long for a clue.
4.Nice idea, but 22 words is overelaboration
12. Emerging flower! Bird on the wing!
1.Probably needs a question mark at the end, but clever
2.Nice ideas, especially wordplay on "flower". Not convinced by &Lit; these things may happen around springtime but don't define it.
3.I like the idea, but not sure it quite defines a noun
13. First period, first exchange (10)
1.This is expecting too much of the solver
2.I thought exchange = RING TIME as quite far-fetched!
14. Gin permits Wilder to produce this for Hitler
1.Clever anagram indicator
2.I enjoyed this very neat clue – perhaps rather easier than one would expect in these competitions
16. In which we might see cuckoo priming exposed nests
1.Well primed!
2.Ingenious – but I'm not sure that "exposed" is a fair indicator for omitting extreme letters.
17. In ——— you could find temp. rising
1.Anagram indicator is missing?
18. It grips men tempestuously when the sap is rising
1.Interesting anagram, but not quite right in surface reading and definition I feel
19. It grips men with fresh excitement
1.Not sure this is sound
20. Lent season permits gin to be abandoned
1.Not sure "lent season" properly defines "springtime". Else I like the clue.
21. Mad misprint, e.g. May?
1.An original idea, nicely executed
2.Novel idea in the context of crosswords
23. "May hurt – Prepare," says Dean out of the Blue
1.May too loose a def. Springtime is surely March + April + May, a whole season not a single month.
2.'Dean' maybe too may have been best to put 'Rev.Spooner'.
3."say Dean out of the Blue" is an insufficient indication of Spooner. "As Spooner might have said", perhaps
24. May release forwards and backwards
1.May too loose a def. Springtime is surely March + April + May, a whole season not a single month.
25. May schedule end of sentence
1.May too loose a def. Springtime is surely March + April + May, a whole season not a single month.
26. May, with previous spells, develop rising temp.
1.May too loose a def. Springtime is surely March + April + May, a whole season not a single month.
27. Nervy men grip it slowly at first when there's arousal (10)
1.Some may say it's risqué, but I like it!
28. Odds on head of employment taking on bell-boy for the season
1.Clever but the surface reading does not make sense to me
29. Peach covers empty platter, then porridge; now for the sprouts!
1.What a meal!
30. Re-emergence of prime nights when hour lost (10)
1.lovely, says it all – wish I could come up with clues like this
2.Anagram indicator?
31. Renewal period… Get spin from a rim?
1.This appears to be meaningless. And where is the anagram indicator?
2.What's the anagram inidicator? The extraneous words 'from a' are problematic.
3.I can't see an anagram indicator
4.Needs anagram indicator; interpolation of "from a" in anagram makes the clue unreasonable, I'm afraid.
32. Rising temp? Doctor to find remedy for winter ills.
1.The rearrangement indicator, when is a transitive verb, has to precede the fodder.
2.Starts very well, but I would have struggled with this definition
3.Very appropriate treatment!
33. Season well before meat is grilled, as for the chop
1.I like the use of "well" + "season" together; it's a more developed image than the other "season well" clue
34. Season well, with herb, we're told.
1.The "we're told" makes it terribly clunky!
2.Neat – but the season is "spring" rather than "springtime"
3.I like the combination of "season well" for definition and "spring", although a bit obvious
35. Season well with thyme picked up by Mike!
1.No need for exclamation mark, in either surface or cryptic reading – it says: Look at me, aren't I clever? (Still a good clue, though.)
2.Neat – but the season is "spring" rather than "springtime"
3.I like the idea of "picked up by Mike" as a homophone indicator and "season well". Unfortunately surface reading is too strained.
36. Season with salt and pepper initially and combine with herb we're told
1.This would be my first without "initially", S & P being standard, clue more elegant & lean
39. Sprout season (10)
1.Good idea.
40. Stretch well before warming-up period
1.This surface would be so much more sound if STRETCHING and WARM-UP were not really the same thing!
2.Arguably the best among non-&lit clues!
41. Temp. rising about now (9)
1.Solid and compact but not much joy in surface.
2.Temp standing for temperature makes this explicit as an anagram clue.
3.Anagram indicator?
42. Temp rising around this period?
1.Well composed with smooth surface. The . after temp is missing though.
2.Temp standing for temperature makes this explicit as an anagram clue.
3.Anagram indicator?
46. Well…I give up !
1.I like it but would have trouble solving. Can't see a definition and it is hardly &lit. Is it a humorous comment on the clue-writing comp?
2.So do I – where's the definition?
3.While give=emit, I don't think "I give" does, and I do not see any definition for springtime…
4.The good idea is undermined by lack of a definition
5.Good that you did! But even for a clue with no definition, why is "I give = emit"? Even give as such is pretty weak.
7.Where's the definition?
47. What's the betting the barman will do this when things kick off?
1.Doesn't a barman *call* time?
2.Like the image, but not the definition
48. When branch gets new shoot at its tip, I'm finally here!
1.Well composed clue again. Surface better than 42.
2.Good attempt at an & lit., but as with 49 'gets' should be 'holds' or similar
49. When bud gets new life (10)
1.Excellent but as in case of some &lits it can work as simple/direct clue .
2.Neat clue but 'holds' would be better than 'gets' cryptically
3.Not happy about "life" in the cryptic indication since it's too close to the actual meaning in the definition
50. When couple briefly might be entertained by dawn chorus?
52. When Nature's vernal spirits wake And simpering suitor's heart doth break
1.Would be lovely if 't' was actually suitor's heart! Suitors' would work.
2.Not only the best clue this month, but the best clue I've seen here since joining in 2008! Bravo!
3.I like the poetic wording and sentiment of this clue, though it should strictly be 'suitor's's heart'
4.Justification of the "t"?
5.Interesting novel treatment
53. When there's a leap year, for example, it's around Easter.
1.Clever, but the surface reading does not make sense to me; the schedule for Easter is not correlated with leap year.
2.Leap year's day is always before Easter, so the surface doesn't ring true
54. When we see sun start to prevail and bird call is beheld?
1.Slightly strange surface reading but nice idea
56. Wrongly misinterpreting, having knocked out Milan team, "This is the season of rebirth"
1.Nice try …