Clues by D. F. Manley in 1979-1980
Azed competitions from 371 to 419    All clues by D. F. Manley  |   1979-1980 Honours list
VHCsHCs Honours
D. F. Manley0001111
No.Clue wordAwardClueExplanation
371GRADINVHCA row disembowelled gladiator would appear before?g(ladiato)r + a din, & lit.
375SPREATHEVHCChap in Devon? Rapt, he burst out with: ‘End of bowls first; Spain afterwards!’s + anag. + E; ref. Sir F. Drake at Plymouth
379SCYTHEMANVHCA —— does a swing as any death comescomp. anag. & lit.
384OUTSPREADINGVHCHoney’s ——: is she pregnant do you fancy?comp. anag. & lit.
388ALEXIPHARMICVHCWhat’s your poison? I’m anti that ‘unreal’ Harp! I exclaimanag.; beer brand
393INTRACARDIACVHC—— bits being manipulated? It is act I associate with C. Barnardcomp. anag. & lit.; ref. heart surgeon
397BIJOUTERIE (Misprints)VHCOne to carry around unfortunate Job in the womb? Name isn’t given – Jewess?jewels; I in anag. + uteri(n)e; ref. Job, 3,10
401GO-AHEADVHCBeing above all active rather than deadgodhead with a for d., & lit.
404CANDLE-HOLDER (Spoonerisms)VHCBorn into rough old cradle, He? I’d have been brought by sight to kneenight to see; n. in anag.
406BOILVHCLeyland around turn of decade – ferment as liquidity decreases10 (rev.) in BL; ref. troubled carmaker
410CUL-DE-SACVHCBlocked passage? Castor-oil emptied inside, caused looseninganag. incl. C, l

HCs awarded in competitions: