Clues by R. J. Hooper in 2004-2005
Azed competitions from 1680 to 1728    All clues by R. J. Hooper  |   2004-2005 Honours list
VHCsHCs Honours
R. J. Hooper100616
No.Clue wordAwardClueExplanation
1694MISINTERPRETVHCArrive at wrong solution to Printer’s Devilry in new format of Timesanag. in anag.
1700FIVE-O’CLOCK SHADOWFirst‘In Foreign Office I’ve hit trouble,’ the PM bristlesI’ve in FO + clock shadow
1702WORDSMITHERYVHCIn trial, Met dish crook for fabrication, leading to exemplary sentence perhapsanag. in worry
1707GALENA (Definition of Anagram)VHCTempest with ultimate in rotten acting? It was a fiascolagena; gale n a
1711MINUSVHCAlight in a frenzy, not running to time? It can be a bit of a problem, this linein in mus(t); must4
1719ANHELATIONVHCA new short skirt worn in a hotel – it makes pants noticeable, climbing stairsanag. in a, n
1724MONEYBAGSVHCGay after theatrical hit so went joke bygone Sam crackedanag.; ref. S. Johnson: ‘[The Beggar’s Opera] had the effect … of making Gay rich, and Rich gay.’

HCs awarded in competitions: