Clues by R. Postill in 1955-1956
Ximenes competitions from 329 to 382    All clues by R. Postill  |   1955-1956 Honours list
VHCsHCs Honours
R. Postill000703
No.Clue wordAwardClueExplanation
329HAMADRYADVHCMysterious body found in trunk. Mummy had Yard baffledanag. incl. ma
334CHEROOTVHCA chap taking a girl out in Scotland may be had for a sucker! (Burns!)c. her oot; chap. = chapter, oot = out
364HELLEBOREVHCBeauty returns in old age, like a rose that blooms anew in winterbelle (rev.) in hore
369BERETVHCBorn shortly before the end of the 1914-18 conflict, now at the head of the British Armyb ere t, & lit.; black beret of the Tank Regt. conceived May 1918
373PRESTONPANSVHCAfter defeat of the Fifteen—snappier half backs! That should mean victory laterPreston + snap(pier) (rev.); ref. battle of 1715
377MALISONVHCIris has nothing on, and there’s a chap hanging round! See the blighter’s expression?lis 0 in man; blight = curse
382ABSTAINVHCJack Spot investigation should give warning to those tempted to bear false witnessAB stain; ref. Jack ‘Spot’ Comer, East End gangster cleared of stabbing charge

No HCs awarded in the 1955-1956 competition