Clues by R. J. Heald in 2007-2008
Azed competitions from 1836 to 1884    All clues by R. J. Heald  |   2007-2008 Honours list
VHCsHCs Honours
R. J. Heald112811
No.Clue wordAwardClueExplanation
1836POSTHASTESecondPrompt a thesp lost in play, forgetting lineanag. less l
1840W(I)NN(I)E-THE-POOH (Letters Latent)VHCA pot when teeming with honey could satisfy me? Ay!comp. anag. & lit.
1845UPBRAIDVHCReprimand hubby, regularly and abusively?anag. of alternate letters, & lit.
1849AUXESISThirdSuch a trope placed artfully could make a prosaic tale ‘sexed-up’comp. anag. & lit.
1856LITAS (Printer’s Devilry)VHCAfter fighting, his opponent co-opera/ted – another sweet victory!ref. Henry Cooper, Muhammad Ali
1858HUMONGOUSVHCExtra-large sumo thong, not a little tight, looks funny around Oriental misterU2 in anag. less t
1862UNALIKE (Spoonerisms)VHCAs snakes in flow start to undulate, weakling’s guts churnflakes in snow; u + anag. of (w)eaklin(g)
1866BINGEVHCJag’s big end damaged – diesel’s beginning to escapeanag. less d; jag2
1871FAIRY GOLDVHCFaldo dropping a shot admits Open golf prize proving elusiveairy G in anag. less a; NATO alphabet
1875GOUTTE / UPREAR (Right and Left)VHCSky shows mug getting caught out behind wicket, out for a blob(c)up + rear; gate with out for a; Sky Sports
1879LITTER BASKETThirdGarbo can work better with talkies, letting out a bit of emotionanag. less e; garbo = rubbish; ref. Greta G.
1884FREELOADERFirstSlippery customer seen in environs of diner or café mooching, without a cent?eel in anag. incl. d, r less c, & lit.

HCs awarded in competitions: