WordStats for C. Hopkins
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NameNo of cluesFirst
C. Hopkins1 0017


C. Hopkins’s average clue lengths over 1 clue:

62 letters per clue (17 above the archive average of 45)

15.0 words per clue (5.4 above the archive average of 9.6)


Longest clue

Atherton’s role at the crease is to take apart one commonly spoken of as fast

62 letters, 15 words, in competition 1200 Nine letter word (C and T latent) (Letters Latent)


Shortest clue

Atherton’s role at the crease is to take apart one commonly spoken of as fast

62 letters, 15 words, in competition 1200 Nine letter word (C and T latent) (Letters Latent)


C. Hopkins has contributed no unique words to the clue archive: