WordStats for Ms H. Grayson
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NameNo of cluesFirst
VHCsHCs Also listed as
Ms H. Grayson3 0034Ms s. H. Grayson


Ms H. Grayson’s average clue lengths over 3 clues:

56 letters per clue (11 above the archive average of 45)

12.3 words per clue (2.7 above the archive average of 9.6)


Longest clue

Star newspaper’s editorial includes: ‘Runcie’s Crockford’s entry is a fraud’

61 letters, 10 words, in competition 939 A-PER-SE / ESCROC (Right and Left)


Shortest clue

After 150 miles, I crashed with car – a result of too many revs?

48 letters, 13 words, in competition 1203 CLERICALISM


Ms H. Grayson has contributed 2 unique words to the clue archive:
