WordStats for Mrs S. M. Macpherson
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Other competitors | Mrs S. M. Macpherson’s clues | ordStats homepage
Name | No of clues | First Prizes | Other Prizes | VHCs | HCs | Also listed as |
Mrs S. M. Macpherson | 12 | 0 | 1 | 11 | 17 | Mrs S. Macpherson S. M. Macpherson |
Mrs S. M. Macpherson’s average clue lengths over 12 clues:
57 letters per clue (12 above the archive average of 45)
12.1 words per clue (2.5 above the archive average of 9.6)
Longest clue
Our warmest Christmas wishes to your Majesties, all three,
Though you won’t arrive to read this card before Epiphany:
It’s not far now to Bethlehem; it really is a pity
You have to come by camel-train, and not by ‘Inter-City’
175 letters, 40 words, in competition 143 Jingle for BALTHAZAR, MELCHIOR, CASPAR (A jingle)
Shortest clue
Buffet with jam and custard-pie
26 letters, 5 words, in competition 79 SLAPSTICK
Mrs S. M. Macpherson has contributed 13 unique words to the clue archive:
143 | camel-train |
250 | Clutched |
40 | Faction |
143 | Inter-City |
84 | oil-rigs |
84 | oilmen |
84 | sabotaged |
118 | scones |
127 | Spurn |
84 | staggers |
23 | stormed |
143 | warmest |
143 | wishes |