Name | No of clues | First Prizes | Other Prizes | VHCs | HCs |
H. Hancock | 4 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 7 |
H. Hancock’s average clue lengths over 4 clues:
48 letters per clue (3 above the archive average of 45)
10.3 words per clue (0.7 above the archive average of 9.6)
Longest clue
Strangely red-hued and leptorrhine, he’s the brightest member in the team
60 letters, 11 words, in competition 249 RUDOLPH THE REINDEER
Shortest clue
Like a tree pigs eat round freely
27 letters, 7 words, in competition 384 OUTSPREADING
H. Hancock has contributed 6 unique words to the clue archive:
249 | brightest |
243 | complimented |
243 | contests |
249 | leptorrhine |
249 | red-hued |
310 | wharf |