WordStats for P. Holtby
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NameNo of cluesFirst
P. Holtby2 0024


P. Holtby’s average clue lengths over 2 clues:

60 letters per clue (15 above the archive average of 45)

12.0 words per clue (2.4 above the archive average of 9.6)


Longest clue

Damned silly old men lie absurdly grim lies about love experienced in the heather after a fling

79 letters, 17 words, in competition 84 MIRLIGOES / ILL-OMENED (Right and Left)


Shortest clue

Britain ducks the issue of immigrant fostering

40 letters, 7 words, in competition 323 (C)U(C)KOO (Letters Latent)


P. Holtby has contributed no unique words to the clue archive: