Name | No of clues | First Prizes | Other Prizes | VHCs | HCs |
J. & B. Chennells | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 20 |
J. & B. Chennells’s average clue lengths over 2 clues:
43 letters per clue (2 below the archive average of 45)
9.5 words per clue (0.1 below the archive average of 9.6)
Longest clue
One such with a flag waving is upsetting for Nigel Farage!
47 letters, 11 words, in competition 2218 FOREIGNER
Shortest clue
A significant event to solemnise fully? Not so
38 letters, 8 words, in competition 2250 MILESTONE (with missing O) (Missing Letter)
J. & B. Chennells have contributed 1 unique word to the clue archive:
2250 | solemnise |