Name | No of clues | First Prizes | Other Prizes | VHCs | HCs | Also listed as |
D. Sargent | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 16 | D. J. Sargent |
D. Sargent’s average clue lengths over 2 clues:
47 letters per clue (2 above the archive average of 45)
9.0 words per clue (0.6 below the archive average of 9.6)
Longest clue
Naturalist is familiar with the mountain gor/illa bounding in vegetation
62 letters, 11 words, in competition 1766 GEST (Printer’s Devilry)
Shortest clue
Past lover re-kindles it in a quatrain
31 letters, 7 words, in competition 1853 ANTIQUITARIAN
D. Sargent has contributed 5 unique words to the clue archive:
1766 | gor |
1766 | illa |
1766 | Naturalist |
1853 | quatrain |
1853 | re-kindles |