Ximenes Competition No. 14  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  13  |  15  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
14 Xmas 1945Punning name Punning name16


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstJ. BlakeyIvan Toby A. Lorne‘I want to be alone’, Greta Garbo
SecondA. RobinsMajor B. Ed. Lyonet‘made your bed, lie on it’
ThirdR. C. PaynWilberforce de Beauchamps‘we’ll be forced to be chums’
HCS. AndersonI Wanna Beal-Owen‘I want to be alone’, Greta Garbo
HCMiss E. R. BucklandSaul Adam Boris Yule‘’s all a damn bore is Yule’
HCMiss R. G. DavidgeAnanias King Forest-Orme‘Ann an’ I asking for a storm’; narrator’s wife
HCG. L. DaviesIvor Gunter Hughes‘I’ve a gun to use’
HCMrs M. GrayOtto B. Jolly, Senior‘ought to be jolly, seein’ ya’
HCS. B. GreenEvan L. Panter-Cope‘’eaven ’elp Ann to cope’; narrator’s wife
HCF. KnapmanEvan Grant deWett Christmas‘’eaven grant a wet Christmas’
HCLt R. H. Lemon, RAHoward Bridgework‘how would bridge work?’
HCF. E. NewloveHowell I. Cope-Witham‘how will I cope with ’em?’
HCJ. A. PlowmanBarnabus Nixon‘barr’n’ a Bass nix on’; i.e. no drinks for guests
HCLt D. M. ReayA. Noel-Coward 
HCJ. WagstaffNoel Storey Haydn-Clewes‘Noel story hidin’ clues’
HCE. F. WatlingY. Askham‘why ask ’em?’

No Runners-Up in competition 14