Ximenes Competition No. 29  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  28  |  30  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
29 Jul 1946RATAN normal15


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstMrs L. JarmanA limited company might be floated, with this reliable staffcryptic def.; i.e. ratans could make a flimsy raft
SecondG. BownessHe’s usually T.T. now, this dry old sticki.e. usually spelt rattan
ThirdLt R. H. LemonUsually, as here, found just inside the door at any househidden & lit.
HCC. B. DaishA stick of little use to Noah in his Ararat anchoragehidden
HCL. E. EyresCane used by headmaster at an “execution”hidden
HCMaj A. H. GilesYou should hand the palm to those who go in for walking and stick to it2 defs.
HCMrs N. J. GriffinRaft for war-time ferry service in the Navy?ATA (Air Transport Auxiliary) in RN
HCP. A. HallWe have taken 13’s baton, so now he plies withoutanag. of Palestrina (composer, no. 13 in puzzle) less plies
HCL. JohnsonCane? A constituent of sugar, at any ratehidden
HCG. T. KnightWalker with it goes all the stronger at having run about in the pastat in ran
HCC. R. MalcolmComplexion of gunners made to stick in MalayaRA tan
HCR. PostillFerry pilots in the Navy? Special sort of staff job, I suppose!ATA (Air Transport Auxiliary) in RN
HCMiss D. W. TaylorSticky palm which my be read in a fair at any timehidden; like a stick
HCL. D. Wakely“Sticky” reconstruction of remains after I dropped out of a trainanag. less I; like a stick
HCW. H. J. WheelerAn art form used by Chaplin in his early filmsanag.; ref. Charlie C.’s cane

No Runners-Up in competition 29