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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1441 Jan 2000Word containing MM displaced by a bug Millennium Bug 25


Competition 1441’s average clue lengths over 25 clues:

38 letters per clue (7 below the archive average)

7.7 words per clue (1.9 below the archive average)


Longest clue (the longest Millennium Bug clue in the archive)

Introduction of millennia as a signal to delete small creatures? The reverse

64 letters, 12 words, by C. M. Edmunds


Shortest clue (the shortest Millennium Bug clue in the archive)

Rank screen belle

15 letters, 3 words, by R. K. Lumsdon


Competition 1441 has contributed 16 unique words to the clue archive:

C. W. Clenshawattaching
Dr T. G. Powellbeckon
R. K. Lumsdonbelle
D. J. Dare-Plumptonchiliad
J. R. Tozerconsisted
D. R. RobinsonCoughing
C. M. Edmundsdelete
R. J. Palmerinhibitions
R. Parry-Morrislavatory
J. R. C. Michielocality
J. R. C. Michiemeaner
C. M. Edmundsmillennia
Dr T. G. Powellperiods
C. W. ClenshawSeverely
F. R. Palmersquib
R. Heskethswap