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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1818 Apr 2007POISSO(N) D’AVRIL Letters Latent 21


Competition 1818’s average clue lengths over 21 clues:

45 letters per clue (equal to the archive average, and equal to the average for Letters Latent competitions)

10.0 words per clue (0.4 above the archive average, and 0.7 above the average for Letters Latent competitions)


Longest clue (the 15th longest Letters Latent clue in the archive)

Rancid old pissoir, outside convenience left off annual urine extraction routine?

69 letters, 11 words, by M. Hodgkin


Shortest clue (the 34th shortest Letters Latent clue in the archive)

Legumes drink fluid, a type of sap

27 letters, 7 words, by M. Goodliffe


Competition 1818 has contributed 16 unique words to the clue archive:

L. M. InmanDavro
R. Perrydeposited
D. J. Dare-Plumptondupe
R. PerryGauloise
R. Perrylawyer
N. G. Shippobothamleg-pull
M. GoodliffeLegumes
G. I. L. Graftonneep
D. C. Williamsonpod
D. J. Dare-PlumptonPris
D. F. ManleysoIver
Mrs L. J. Robertssoused
M. Hodgkinurine
Mrs L. J. Robertsviolas
D. F. Manleywheeze
D. F. Manleywised