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No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
2144 | Jul 2013 | INFERNO | Spoonerisms | 20 |
Competition 2144’s average clue lengths over 20 clues:
45 letters per clue (equal to the archive average, and 1 below the average for Spoonerisms competitions)
9.7 words per clue (0.1 above the archive average, and 0.1 below the average for Spoonerisms competitions)
Longest clues (the 69th longest Spoonerisms clues in the archive)
Revamp of dinner, cutting out starter: where said dinner might be held
57 letters, 12 words, by D. V. Harry
Dynamic Renoir, endless pulling in new following, makes Sisley green
57 letters, 10 words, by Mrs A. M. Walden
Shortest clues (the 38th shortest Spoonerisms clues in the archive)
Divine little number old hat in ladies?
32 letters, 7 words, by N. Connaughton
Forehead higher to imply nous? Not half
32 letters, 7 words, by C. J. Morse
Competition 2144 has contributed 16 unique words to the clue archive:
R. Heald | Baird |
D. K. Arnott | dinners |
Mrs A. M. Walden | Dynamic |
J. Grimes | equestrian’s |
R. Heald | Faraday |
R. J. Whale | feathery |
T. J. Moorey | Florentine |
J. Grimes | Hickstead’s |
A. G. Chamberlain | legion’s |
R. Heald | Logie |
N. G. Shippobotham | polishing |
Mrs A. M. Walden | Renoir |
D. V. Harry | Revamp |
R. Heald | Rubik |
Mrs A. M. Walden | Sisley |
A. G. Chamberlain | targe |