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2473 Nov 2019INTERPLAY normal 23


Competition 2473’s average clue lengths over 23 clues:

50 letters per clue (5 above the archive average, and 4 above the average for 9-letter words)

8.9 words per clue (0.7 below the archive average, and 0.7 below the average for 9-letter words)


Longest clue (the 39th longest normal clue in the archive)

What might you see in Milan? Intricate passing movements perhaps resulting in penalty I take nervously

86 letters, 16 words, by S. J. O’Boyle


Shortest clue (the 242nd shortest normal clue in the archive)

Exchanges per litany?

18 letters, 3 words, by J. R. Tozer


Competition 2473 has contributed 21 unique words to the clue archive:

J. Vincent & Ms R. Porteranthem’s
A. J. Wardropchiaroscuro
P. Tharbyconspirators
L. Wardcredibility
R. J. HealdCrossfire
Dr P. Colesdealings
R. J. Healddispels
T. C. Borlandgrid’s
P. TharbyJulius
A. J. Wardroppainterly
J. Vincent & Ms R. PorterPalestrina
A. Brashpistachio
Dr P. Colesproblematic
A. Plumbprovisionally
A. Whittakerreciprocal
L. Wardreciprocity
T. J. Mooreyreciprocity’s
S. Randallsnowballing
Mrs A. M. Waldenteamwork
D. F. Manleywrath
Ms S. HartYentl