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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
2532 Xmas 2020POTLA(TSUGA)TCH Presents Round the Tree 22


Competition 2532’s average clue lengths over 22 clues:

49 letters per clue (4 above the archive average)

9.6 words per clue (equal to the archive average)


Longest clue (the longest Presents Round the Tree clue in the archive)

Consuming sweet stuff mostly, bulging tum starts to look awful throughout the Christmas hols

78 letters, 14 words, by J. Vincent & Ms R. Porter


Shortest clue (the shortest Presents Round the Tree clue in the archive)

Period during which winds gust a lot?

30 letters, 7 words, by W. Drever


Competition 2532 has contributed 14 unique words to the clue archive:

G. H. Willettblizzard
G. Johnstonecatapult
P. T. Crowcountertenor
M. Barkerexpanded
R. J. Healdexuberant
W. Drevergust
T. C. Borlandlittlest’s
P. A. Stephensonmajestic
E. C. Lancepandemic
G. Johnstoneschoolmistress’s
E. Dawidsweeten
A. D. Scotttankard
S. Collinstotal’s
M. Barkerwaistline