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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
31 Oct 1972KITCHENDOM normal 27


Competition 31’s average clue lengths over 27 clues:

47 letters per clue (2 above the archive average, and equal to the average for 10-letter words)

9.9 words per clue (0.3 above the archive average, and 0.2 above the average for 10-letter words)


Longest clue (the 618th longest normal clue in the archive)

Cook’s responsibility worried him on deck rounding the Western point of Tasmania

68 letters, 12 words, by C. E. Williams


Shortest clue (the 295th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Thick men do badly here!

19 letters, 5 words, by D. A. Blackledge


Competition 31 has contributed 19 unique words to the clue archive:

E. J. Bushellattained
J. W. ParrBeeton
G. H. WillettBeeton’s
S. Goldiediscomfited
B. GreerEconomically
C. Allen Bakerequipment’s
S. GoldieGreasy
D. F. Manleyincorporates
Rev C. M. Brounitched
S. GoldieJoan’s
Mrs L. F. HallenJohnnie’s
A. D. LeggeKerr’s
B. Greermaintain’d
R. S. CaffynMed
Mrs L. F. HallenMethink
L. F. Leasonscope
E. J. BushellSimnel
A. D. Leggesphere
C. E. WilliamsTasmania