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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
556 Dec 1982SWEAL Misprints 26


Competition 556’s average clue lengths over 26 clues:

31 letters per clue (14 below the archive average, and 13 below the average for Misprints competitions)

6.3 words per clue (3.3 below the archive average, and 2.9 below the average for Misprints competitions)


Longest clue (the 112th longest Misprints clue in the archive)

Turn off endless bad language on channel’s latest offering

49 letters, 9 words, by C. J. Feetenby


Shortest clue (the shortest Misprints clue in the archive)

Scotch pine

10 letters, 2 words, by A. J. Redstone


Competition 556 has contributed 16 unique words to the clue archive:

C. J. Feetenbychannel’s
A. D. ScottChay
A. D. ScottClare’s
C. J. MorseMisprints
F. B. StubbsNutter
M. J. Balfourprickle
F. E. Newloveregroup
R. F. NaishSean
C. Allen Bakersnapping
L. Maysoundness
M. J. BalfourSun-strokes
C. Allen Bakertape
A. P. Vincentumpires
R. J. HooperWalesa
Mrs A. BoyesWalesa’s
A. P. Vincentwinge