All Extra Letter Competitions

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About this clue type

In Azed Nos. 500, 558 and 1300 the clue is a normal clue to which one or two specified letters are added at any point in the clue (the clue is to make sense before and after the addition).

In Azed No. 816 the solution to which the subsidiary indications in the clue lead is the given word, plus one specified letter to be added at any point in the word. The definition leads to the original word.

  DateClue wordCluesWinner
AZ1300Apr 1997OXFORD (extra O)23G. H. Willett
AZ816Xmas 1987POTLACH (with extra O in word)23M. Barley
AZ558Xmas 1982MINCEMEAT (with one extra R)28E. R. Riddle
AZ500Nov 1981BEFOOL (two extra Ds)20D. Ashcroft