Azed Doublethink Competitions

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About this clue type

From the preamble to Azed No. 1984

In each of the answers to across clues, one letter occurring as part of a consecutive pair of identical letters must be omitted in the diagram. In each of the answers to down clues, one letter must be doubled in the diagram, the resulting pair to be entered consecutively. Clues throughout refer in their definition parts to the original answers and in their cryptic parts to the modified entries, which may or may not be real words. Numbers in brackets indicate the lengths of original answers throughout.

Competitors should submit with their entries a clue to the word at 10 (to be deduced), following the style of the other acrosses.

 DateClue wordCluesWinner
1984Jun 2010ORWEL(L)IAN28J. Mayhew