Ximenes Printer’s Devilry Competitions

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About this clue type

From the preamble to Azed No. 2040

Each clue, except 5, is a passage from which the printer has removed a hidden answer, closing the gap and sometimes taking liberties with the punctuation, but not disturbing the order of the remaining letters. Example: Vaulting above tunnel entrance appears inane, scary. Answer: PESTO. Undevilled version: Vaulting above tunnel entrance appears in an escape story. Every passage, when complete, makes sense.

Competitors should submit with their solutions a ‘PD’ clue to replace the definition at 5. NB Preference is given to PD clues in which breaks before and after the word omitted (before and after omission) do not occur at the ends or beginnings of words in the clue. Please give the full undevilled version of your clue as well as the clue itself.

 DateClue wordCluesWinner
1167Jun 1971REBATO19D. H. Tompsett
1119Jul 1970RONDE25J. B. Sweeting
1071Aug 1969ORACLE23Mrs E. M. Pardo
1032Nov 1968TENONER21Mrs B. Lewis
987Xmas 1967THING21A. Lawrie
954May 1967CERATE23A. L. Dennis
920Sep 1966ARISTATE25Miss E. J. Campbell
884Xmas 1965MASHER23Maj A. S. Birt
839Feb 1965GINGER23R. Brain
786Feb 1964METAMERES28Mrs N. Perry
746Apr 1963INTERMIT29J. W. Bates
694Apr 1962OSIRIS22S. B. Green
642Apr 1961SEETHER28F. D. Gardiner
590May 1960STATANT25C. Allen Baker
525Feb 1959MORALE25R. N. Haygarth
473Feb 1958LISSOME29E. L. Hayward
430Apr 1957GAMIN24Mrs G. Colley
390Jul 1956HESITATE24C. O. Butcher
275Mar 1954ESTOVER22J. B. Filburn
239Jul 1953GENISTA21J. A. Maxtone Graham
204Oct 1952ROSTER23Mrs A. M. Osmond
180Nov 1951HESPER24Mrs J. H. C. Lawlor
160Feb 1951RASCAL23G. G. Lawrance
128Mar 1950AMMETER18C. J. Morse
104May 1949STARE23Miss D. W. Taylor