Azed 750 themed clue Competitions

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About this clue type

From the preamble to Azed No. 750

Seven hundred and fifty is three-quarters of a THOUSAND. In offering today’s puzzle to mark this milestone, Azed has to admit that, in line with his recollection of the series to date, the first three quarters have become intermingled, so that each is always replaced by either of the other two. Also, appropriately enough, the final quarter is nowhere to be seen. Every answer in the puzzle is affected by these distortions at least once. Clues are intended to help, in that each includes a definition of the normal form and a subsidiary indication of the distorted form as it appears in the diagram.

Competitors should submit with their solutions a clue to SALMAGUNDY following the style of all the clues in the puzzle.

Note: subsidiary indications in competition clues lead to either THLMAGUY or OULMAGUY.

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