◀ No. 14 | Clue list | 6 Jan 1946 | Slip image | No. 16 ▶ |
1. Mrs L. Jarman (Brough): Disposes of the angels of Mons finally, after a bishop’s letters (a RR anges).
2. C. Koop (Ferring): What one does in the placing, more or less like a Ranji’s, makes a difference to the score (‘a-Ranji’s’; music score; ref. Ranjitsinhji, cricketer).
3. G. Rowlands (Abertillery): Rare gas settles when mixed with nitrogen (anag. incl. N).
Mrs Baird (Aberdeen): Even a backward army unit when supplied with out-of-date cooking appliances prepares for rows (RA (rev.) + ranges).
Miss M. Behrendt (Scunthorpe): The whole field embraced in early Roman art is instrumental in achieving order and harmony (range in ars).
H. Chown (Battle): The class in foreign art puts itself in order and the prominent artist returns to the ranks (range in ars, RA (rev.) + ranges).
Comdr H. H. L. Dickson (Fareham): O for the rest of the blade to make fruit of sorts (i.e. arranges with o for ar (from oar) = oranges).
L. E. Eyres (Bath): Orders rang out: Behold the god of war! (rang in Ares).
Capt G. G. Howard (Wakefield): The Thebite Sun moves west, passes over and sets to music (Ra (rev.) + ranges).
J. S. Lindley (Sunderland): The “Sarge” ran, for the Gunners were backwards on the firing-grounds, and this naturally alters the score (anag., RA (rev.) + ranges).
A. I. Oldaker (N21): Ordputser—rare gas mixed with a little nitrogen (anag. incl. N; i.e. puts in order).
A. P. O’Leary (Rugby): An Anglican Bishop settles with a turbulent Roman group (a RR + a + anag. of gens).
Wren Pearce (Dover): Austin Reed makes grates? He’s initialled these, so that settles it (AR ranges).
W. O. Robertson (Marlow): Settles housing shortage in Scottish island villages (Arran (villa)ges).
T. E. Sanders (Walsall): Orders sounded among the French units for the gunners to go back to the front lines (rang in ares, RA (rev.) + ranges).
Rev G. R. H. Shafto (Birkenhead): It’s a rare snag, surely, that facilitates one’s plans! (anag.).
F. L. Usher (Leeds): Orders no teas in a R.A. Sergeants’ Mess (anag. less teas).
A. E. Wood (W2): Disposes firing positions against the gunners’ rear (RA (rev.) + ranges).
COMMENTS:—Plenty of variety. More than usual failed to give a hint of the meaning of the whole word: This is treated as a flaw, unless compensating brilliance is very great. The “Bishop’s Letters” were a very pretty touch in the winning clue. X. can find no authority for the (to his—or her?—mind) barbarous form “Thebite”: otherwise Captain Howard would have had a prize. Can Mr Sanders justify “front” in an otherwise sound clue? “Forward” would perhaps be better. Mr Koop scores again with a neatly worked cricket clue: this is not intended to invite a flood of cricket next time! The Royal Artillery can seldom have displayed so many eccentricities at the ranges before.