◀ No. 329 | Clue list | 29 May 1955 | Slip image | No. 338 ▶ |
1. T. E. Bell: It lends to a Tory personality we admire a certain aroma—not half! (C hero ot(to), & lit.; ref. Churchill).
2. C. Allen Baker: Something to set aglow the heart of a good old Tory champion—a 50% Tory backing! ((Chur)c(hill) + hero + To(ry) (rev.)).
3. D. P. M. Michael: I offer her love in a cottage, but Winnie might accept me in spite of my bluntness (her 0 in cot; ref. Churchill).
E. A. Beaulah: Winnie is often seen with me, one of Winnie’s colleagues in the initial Cabinet reshuffle (Roo in anag. incl. C; ref. W. the Pooh).
R. N. Chignell: It could be the Corona with the end clipped (anag. of the Coro(na), & lit.).
A. N. Clark: Drawn by puffer to provide relief-service after strike action (cryptic def.).
Brig W. E. Duncan: Not so opulent as the Corona, but the same sort with the end cut off, and lit! (anag. of the Coro(na) & lit.!).
L. E. Eyres: Churchill, for instance, in a small bed: he’d prefer a longer one! (hero in cot, & lit.).
S. B. Green: Venturesome young man perhaps put to bed by me! (hero in cot, & lit.).
C. Koop: For inspiration, drawing, treatment of foliage all rolled in one—that’s possibly Corot, eh? (anag.; ref. 19c landscape painter).
G. G. Lawrance: It’s uncouth in her company to smoke (anag. incl. Co.; smoke, n.).
P. H. Morgan: Retch horribly, round and round inside!—like its effect on a puffing schoolboy? (o,o in anag., & lit.).
C. J. Morse: Even in bed the Great Man produces a cigar (hero in cot; ref. Churchill).
F. E. Newlove: It’s wonderful being in bed: with me there’s no burning the taper at either end! (hero in cot; square cut).
D. A. Nicholls: The corona should have an end cut off to give a decent smoke! (anag. of the coro(na)).
Mrs M. G. Porter: Red originator Marx and Churchill have this in common (Che (Guevara) + root; ref. Groucho M.).
R. Postill: A chap taking a girl out in Scotland may be had for a sucker! (Burns!) (c. her oot; chap. = chapter, oot = out).
A. Robins: It heralds the appearance of a Prime Minister, associated with the English cause! (Ch(urchill) E root, & lit.).
L. T. Stokes: The Leader of the Conservatives—a great man to put back! One of Winston’s favourites? (C hero + to (rev.)).
Brig R. F. E. Stoney: Calls for a strike; pointless, so easily stamped out. Other Co.’s affected unfortunately (anag.; square cut).
Miss D. W. Taylor: You’ll find me in front of the puffer after a strike (cryptic def.).
D. Ambler, F. D. H. Atkinson, Maj P. S. Baines, A. J. Barnard, Mrs F. Begg, R. C. Brewin, C. M. Broun, R. Bryan, R. S. Caffyn, H. Chown, Cdr H. H. L. Dickson, Mrs N. Fisher, A. B. Gardner, C. E. Gates, C. C. M. Giffin, G. P. Goddard, D. Godden, E. Gomersall, P. Graystone, Mrs B. M. Halpern, F. H. W. Hawes, R. W. Hays, J. J. Holloway, H. Joyce, A. F. Lerrigo, P. H. Mabey, E. L. Mellersh, T. W. Melluish, R. J. Munnings, H. Perry, N. J. Reed, Capt W. H. W. Ridley, E. O. Seymour, W. K. M. Slimmings, Mrs I. G. Smith, J. P. Smith, J. Solon, F. B. Stubbs, J. A. L. Sturrock, H. G. Tattersall, D. G. Thomas, H. L. Tinkler, H. Walsham, J. F. N. Wedge, S. B. Wilson, H. T. Young.
COMMENTS—No time for many. To prevent hardship arising from delayed posts, I waited for those that arrived on Monday and included them—hence the rush—and possibly misprints above, though I hope not! There were 294 entries, 263 correct; and I’ve no doubt that others failed to reach us even by Monday. An easy word to clue, I thought, and good results. I should, I think, have given prizes to Brig. Duncan but for his rather sketchy syntax in indicating the anag., and to Mr. Postill but for his “Chap” without a full Stop standing for “Chapter”: both are particularly attractive clues otherwise. Now I must catch the post.
P.S.—I should be interested lo hear how impossible No. 336 is!!