◀ No. 88 | Clue list | 7 Nov 1948 | Slip image | No. 90 ▶ |
1. Mrs Caithness (Ambleside): Noah tussled with the ass for a time after the waters came on (anag. of Noe ass, seas on; alt. sp. of Noah).
2. A. P. O’Leary (Rugby): CYCLOPS. Shown twice daily at The Gate (i.e. sea son; ref. Polyphemus, son of Neptune; s. ticket).
3. Mrs L. Jarman (Brough): Nips of punch are wasted on me, but I often get drunk with a bowlful (cryptic def.; i.e. s. ticket is not ‘nipped’ with a punch; seasoning in soup).
E. S. Ainley (S. Harrow): Time and Tide’s no revolutionary! (sea’s + no (rev.)).
Canon W. E. Beck (Cheltenham): Close it and you save the game (cryptic def.; shooting s.).
E. E. Evans (Bradford): Each child must succeed if society is to become mature (S + ea. son).
A. R. Fraser (Cambridge): Tempting flavour that led to the Fall, perhaps (2 mngs.).
W. E. Green (N10): Period piece (any year), required by collector (2 mngs.; s. ticket).
S. B. Green (NW10): Main disciple shows temper—yet follows in the train? (sea son; shows ticket).
K. J. Harding (Mitcham): The young salt flourished at Waterloo (i.e. sea son; s. ticket).
H. C. Hills (W. Drayton): Suitable time to suggest “Water-boy”—in case a song is required (i.e. sea son, hidden).
Mrs D. M. Kissen (Lanark): A boy for Elizabeth next Sunday? Some time, no doubt! (S + E a son; next = next to).
F. C. MacIntosh (Edgware): Swell, a boy! Just the time for it! (sea son).
G. M. Neighbour (Princes Risborough): Constant travellers should employ Cook’s agent for a more attractive fare (cryptic defs.; s. ticket; food seasoning; ref. Thos. Cook).
E. G. Phillips (Bangor): To see what a riotous ass one may be, think of Pickles! (anag.; ref. Wilfred P., comic radio presenter).
H. J. Phillips (NW2): That’s the ticket for soup! (2 mngs.).
A. A. Russell (Birmingham): Let the boy follow a sailor’s calling to mature (i.e. sea son).
A. J. C. Saunders (Sanderstead): e.g. chilli for the time of year! (2 mngs.).
E. O. Seymour (Gerrards Cross): Cry of the regulars as they storm the barrier (cryptic def.; s. ticket).
O. Carlton Smith (Potters Bar): Temper displayed in Hosea’s onslaught on his wife (hidden; ref. Hos. 2:9).
J. Walton (Dunfermline): In due course, as only time will show (hidden).
COMMENTS.—375 correct. Many who couldn’t find CIENAGA were too hasty when they guessed -ATA (Ata-Turk?) rather than -AGA (a complete word meaning a “chief Turk”). And the clue had been designed to be easy for those whose atlases failed them! Many, too, fell into the “bentstemons” trap, not seeing that “enclosed” means PENT: “bent” merely indicated the anag. of “no stems.” And, anyway, why accuse me of serving up non-existent flowers? Some others showed by writing “ejectors” that an anag. is not always a sitter—not for the first time! No other mistake was common.
Two prophetically topical clues receive H.C.s. but neither is quite sound: I don’t like “swell” for “sea,” nor “Elizabeth” for “E.” without some hint: it can’t be classed with “East” as a regular abbreviation. Mrs. Prichard sent a similar clue to the “Elizabeth” one, but - she fell down over “pentstemons.” So did Mr. A. Thomas, who sent an excellent clue; “It might be hot, but one swallow doesn’t make it—on the contrary!” (i.e. it makes one swallow!). Finally, a brilliant clue—when the penny drops!—from Mr. I. W. Robertson—too difficult for most of us, I think, and therefore ruled out: can you fathom it?—“Mainspring without one? Then off with it!”
Some runners-up.—A. S. Allen, H. W. Brister, Maj Cater, H. Chown, H. P. Chubb, A. E. Clayton, G. N. Collins, W. Darby, Cdr Dickson, Dr Fell, Mrs Fisher, M. Fooks, C. K. Foster, Maj Giles, G. M. Gwynn, Dr Hartigan, J. D. Hastings, C. Helme, S. Holgate, C. H. Hudson, L. W. Jenkinson, A. Y. Jessiman, T. E. S. Jobson, C. B. Joyner, C. Koop, Capt Langham, K. F. Lawton, R. Lumley, Miss Malcolm, Rev W. McEntegart, A. R. McInroy, A. McIntyre, E. W. Merryweather, D. P. M. Michael, R. G. Mizel, G. W. Robinson, M. R. Sampford, T. E. Sanders, J. C. W. Springbett, J. A. Stafford, C. Theobald, J. Thomas, Miss Westrup, C. E. Williams.