Clues by B. Greer in 1975-1976
Azed competitions from 156 to 203    All clues by B. Greer  |   1975-1976 Honours list
VHCsHCs Honours
B. Greer101522
No.Clue wordAwardClueExplanation
165Lance, pompano, bonito, porbeagle, thornback, menhaden, albacore, huso (Anagram)FirstPeople can catch ‘em, hook ‘em, one and all, using a net, bob, barb, or harpoon 
169THUGGEEVHCIn the East, what lies behind onset of mugger without hesitation?(m)ugg(er) in the E, & lit.
174EPEOLATRYVHCDrunken people render, round a bar piano, words of worship? Quite the reversea in anag. less p + try; i.e. worship of words
178A(U)G(U)ST (Letters Latent)VHCClumsy fool’s incorrectly reassembled male sawn in halfhalves swapped in stag (adj.)
183PICKLEThirdApply solution to poor Jack’s plight?2 mngs. & lit.; ref. naval punishment, Jack and Jill
195SHILLY-SHALLYVHCIndecisive type, starting off in one direction, going up and down, then backward, circling completelyS + hilly + all in shy1
203BOGYVHCSlough and Henley’s close view of Concorde – coming from direction of Kingstonbog + y; ref. Bishop of K.

HCs awarded in competitions:

197 CAMERA (Printer’s Devilry)